SO I HAVE A GOT A STORY FOR YOU ALL! So sit tight, expand this post, and be prepared to read another one of my life little adventures. Yes there will be curse words as I am icing my testicles right now (spoilers will be forthcoming)
Twiztid concert, at a place I saw them many years ago, awesome.
Great opening bands, then they hit the stage. Even more awesome
I am right smack up front, next to a speaker, sorta awesome because I am partially deaf like an idiot at the moment.
They play Bad Side, YES!
Then the very sweet, but VERY large and short girl next to me, I glance over, is having the beginnings of a seizure. Not so great.
Try moving a approx. 300lb girl on to her side, get your thankfully thick sleeve and a pen into her mouth, all the while "yippie" the drunks want to help!!!!
Twiztid thankfully stopped show, told people to get back.
Drunks persist on getting in my flipping way. Every try to give a drunk directions on a seizure victim? I DOUBT IT! It is not the most pleasant thing.
Dialogue with one of them, while attempting to keep her from kicking (HAR HAR GOOD LUCK WITH THAT) verbatim:
Me "I have friends who have epilepsy, and I am combat medically trained, please shut up and assist me by taking directions!"
Bearded dude "I know what I am doing I've seem them do this on T.V!"
He complies. But lo, her very large legs finally find my man parts, turning them into what I am now sure is nothing more than a flap to keep the dust out of my butt crack for the next week. Not like I use them a lot lately anyways.
EMTs finally arrive, show goes on, ends well, with me deaf and sore and I couldn't use my beans and frank right now if Milla Jovovich wanted to.
Jason is tired and goes home.
3 blocks away, I think I am safe from insanity. But nooooooo. At the main intersection of my house, a vehicle coming from the left side startles a deer, making it run. RIGHT INTO MY DAMN DOOR! Butthole pucker factor +10.
And people wonder why I don't leave my house. Save for the fact no one really wants to hang out.
I would say I hope the Lancaster show will be better, but I have a strong feeling, I am going to regret those words.
Now to stay up. ALL NIGHT! Cause I am on NIGHTS TOMORROW! YAY!
The only big difference so far that I can see in the console version is they added evade by using the right joy stick. The story, gear, characters and that kind of stuff is the the same, but they did tweak some stuff to fit console and 4 player co op. They polished up the inventory menu and you can also now scroll through and equip gear w/o going into the full menu. I personally am enjoying playing through it again on console and like it better. If you have some friends that would be down to play it with you too, I would say go for it its couch co op so you all just meet up at a house and go at it.