My Warband character is Elon Oestreich. Elon means oak grove; strong.
I've been practicing twice a week now, it is the most intense excercise I can think of. Some games like legendary sheild are non-stop, continuous regeneration if you get killed. Fighting someone who wants to kill you is tough, man!
Events coming up soon are, Crossroads, a three day intense role play, stay in...
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happy birthday mister! one day after mine eh? wink

hope you are having a great day. smile

happy birthday!
Hello friends!
Stell and Ian came back from the end of the world (RAGNAROCK) alive and intact. What an awesome event, 2000 people in a field in central Ohio, fighting battles. They have games like capture the flag, historical battle reenactments, our Dugans stormed and sacked Rome! Seven days of battle camp. Even Narnia is there. The whole thing is called Dagorhir. Our nation is...
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Thanks for your testimonial! I appreciate that smile
What a gorgeous day out today! In fact, the weather for a couple weeks has been wonderful. Cool air, warm sun, a little rain to keep things growing, all around nice.
I will go for a bike ride to the state park to lay out on the dunes this afternoon, before clouds roll in for the evening like they so often do.
Here is a...
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Damn, photo links didn't work, just check out my new album. mad
thanks...i think?
It's blizzard weekend for Michigan, but that's a whole lot better than tornados. Did you know that tornados are a plasma discharge event? That is, they are driven by electricity. That is why they are shaped like that. In fact, pretty much all weather and air movement is electrically generated. The plasma currents flowing from negative earth to positive space through the insulating atmosphere cause...
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How is it, that in the spectacular cosmic event of a supernova, it looks just like a soap bubble popping?

Jan 23, 2007
Electric Supernovae

Both conventional and electric supernovae are exploding stars. But what constitutes a star and what constitutes an explosion are quite different in each case.

In the conventional view, a supernova is an exploding star. Because gravity is the only force...
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Greetings, friends! May the Schwartz be with you. I like Yogurt.
Today, I will tell you about a storm on Yer anus. I mean, Uranus. Wait, no. Saturn! A big, freakin' storm on the south pole of Saturn, as big as earth. Cool. No, hot, it's hot.


Dec 08, 2006
Saturn's Monstrous Polar Storm

A gigantic vortex centered on Saturn's south pole has sent...
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Well, October sure was dissapointing, weather wise. It might as well be winter already.
The kids and I and the missus had a fun Halloween, cold though it was. Two cats, a vampire, a baby lion, a daddy lion, and Mrs. Weasley! We live downtown, and only had to go about ten blocks total to fill the bags up with candy.

Today, at the shop,...
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it's called an auroboris(sp?) it's a simple of life after death..he knows more then me haha

Summer is definitely gone, it's cold in the wind now. I went camping with just my dog last night, built a fire on the beach, drank my finest beer, (La Fin du Monde kicks ass) and enjoyed nature.
This is my favorite season. Mountain biking weather. I can smell October coming.
Your dog is in good company then (namewise) biggrin
Now I'm just wondering if Yuki has an IEEE 1394 port in addition to a USB interface...
to funny about the vacuum! keegan loves the vaccum..we got him a toy one that makes the sounds cause he won't leave mine alone!
Today I am pissed off at all the liars in the world who lie to ignorant people for a living.
Like stock brokers.
Real estate agents.
People who are supposed to be respectible, but fear the truth. So they will never give honest advice. They will only enrich themselves at the expense of others.
And I'm pissed of that SO MANY people who should...
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a lot of people don't want to waste the time to find out the truth, they want the easy, stress free way to do things. it's a shame to think of the people that really dont' need to be hurt by liars, are ususally the ones that end up with the worst of it. our society tends to take advantage of the weak.