I cannot remember when I actually subscribed to SG, but my profile states it was 2004, so I thought it would be worth writing down some personal thoughts about how SG and I developed over time.

Back in the day as a late-teen/young twen, I was initially mostly interested in piercings. During civil service (early 20'th), I decided that I wanted to get tattoos, too,...
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List of name changes is available, in a thread, you need to bookmark it, then you're all set. Nice blog by the way.
This is a good resource to have / follow: https://www.suicidegirls.com/groups/everything-sg/thread/567688/

Since so many years I'm thinking about a tongue split. I tried to get that idea off my mind, but it didn't help to see split tongues here on SG, or on Instagram. And it didn't help either that a good friend got her tongue split some three, four years ago.

When I was in Cologne a few days ago, I realized that I was...
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Thought about getting shark bite piercings for some time and today, I just went and get those. Four new piercings in my lip. And now (some 8 hours later) there isn't even any sign of swelling.

I'm totally happy about that! :)

@donawhale Really, it wasn't a big deal. I expected my lip to swell up by a good amount, but even that didn't happen. Swelling, if at all, is barely noticeable. I'm totally happy with it. :)  No real pain during the actual piercing procedure, they didn't hurt or burn afterwards and virtually no swelling at all. <3
@jaybee Apparently, you are very lucky with the piercing master :))
After sooo long time, I'd add another blog entry. I haven't done that for quite too long, so here we are.

Lots of stuff happened, most of which is irrelevant. I found some time to hack on VAX software, even to attend to a computer hacker's meeting where we hacked as a team. This was fruitful and fulfilling like I haven't seen it since long....
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Yay fr's Zusammenziehen! biggrin
hey. ich hab heute eine neue Wohnung zugesagt (ab jetzt ohne Frau) und bin bei CHF1770 fr 31/2 Zimmer. ber EUR 900 finde ich jetzt wirklich nicht teuer. wink
Yesterday was dentist's day for me. Another wisdom tooth had to go. Half a day later, there's no pain, no swelling, no nothing. *knockonwood* Hopefully, that's it... There's not a lot more to tell, other than maybe I'm thinking about cutting my long blonde hair...

Oh, wait, there is! I've been to Berlin and (the city of) Brandenburg recently for two birthdays. And I just...
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Felices Haartips:
#1: Lass dir die Spitzen schneiden. WEnn's sein muss 10cm oder so. Guck einfach mal, bis wohin der Spliss geht. Und ab dann: Alles halbe Jahr nen Zentimeter oder zwei opfern. Wenn dir das Spitzenschneiden beim Friseur zu teuer ist, such dir nen Laden, wo die Azubis haben. Sag, dass du fr die Modell sein willst, dann machen die das in der Regel fr lau. Und deine Frisur scheint nicht sooo anspruchsvoll zu sein, dass sie da gro was versauen knnten wink

#2: Niemals die Haare fnen. Immer feini an der Luft trocknen lassen.

#3: JEDES Mal beim Haare waschen Haarkur benutzen. Ich nehm von Balea (dm Hausmarke, billig und SUPER) die fr strapaziertes und splissgefhrdetes Haar. Die ist so lila, ich glaube mit Cassisgeruch. Das Balea Shampoo ist auch toll.

#4: Es gibt von Glisskur Total Repair 19 in so nem Tiegel eine Intensivhaarkur. Gibt da 2 verschiedene. Weil ich arm bin, kaufe ich die billigere... Die kostet bei dm 3,45E oder so. Das Zeug in die Haare und ne Stunde lang mit nem Handtuch aufm Kopf rumrennen und dann auswaschen. Wirkt Wunder.

#5: Nasse Haare werden NICHT gebrstet!

#6: Zwischendurhc immer mal nen Leave-in Conditioner. Also Zeug, das man nicht rauswscht.

JOa.. ich glaube, das sind die Basics smile
Haaaarkur wink
Und im Notfall wenn sie trocken sind ne Sprhkur.
Von Glisskur gibts da ne tolle. Die muss man schtteln, um da 2 Komponenten zu vermischen.
Oh whee... Right now, I'm in Bad Homburg (near Frankfurt/Main) to be taught about ITIL's Change, Configuration and Release Management processes. And that's no fucking fun. Lectures all the day, and some nice homework for the evening. whatever It'll all be over on Friday and I'll rush to Dsseldorf to attend to a wedding. And I'll stay there all the weekend and haven't even met the...
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Another day... No drunkeness today (though it's other people's tradition on May 1st), no bike driving (also tradition), but a looong and nice phone call with a really fascinating girl. I think I found a new friend today, or at least, I hope so. I'm officially speechless and deeply impressed. And that's rare smile

Das war'n toller Geburtstag! berraschungsparty von meiner Freundin und ganz viele Freunde waren da. Die meisten pennen noch biggrin Jetzt gehts gleich mal irgendwie weiter mit'm Frhstck. Da geht noch mehr! ...und danke fr die Glckwnsche!
Hmm. Just took it out. I had the impression that it wasn't exactly centered... mad
Herlichen Glckwunsch zum Geburtstag!
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!!

*Yes Trti mit Kerze berreich*
These days I was thinking about getting my frenum pierced, here it is smile Just a short small hot pinch, painfree afterwards. Easy, isn't it? Now we'll see how well it heals. But I don't expect problems...