I'm starting to think my boyfriend might be a bit of a snob. He has a sweet life - lives with his parents, doesn't pay rent, doesn't pay for his own food, works in his fathers store. His only goal in life at the moment is to buy a new bike. He has no interest in getting a real job, no interest in studying even though art is his passion, never actually does any art - yet he resents it when I need him to help me out. Tonight for instance, I have NO food in my house. Nothing. The supermarket is super far away, and once every now and then he will take me to get food (even if he does complain the whole time) Tonight he went straight home to his house, even though he knew I was starving, and just told me I should sort it out myself. It fucks me off so much because I am going to have to work really hard to get the things I want in life. To have a career, to feed myself, to own my own home (fat chance of that, really) - and he has to do NOTHING. He is quite content being 31 and living at home. All I want is a little bit of support, a little bit of help now and then, but it's like he has forgotten how hard the real world is because life is so cushy for him.
So. Tonight I am in a bad mood, and I am fucking starving.
I could eat a
. Haha, just kidding.
So. Tonight I am in a bad mood, and I am fucking starving.
I could eat a