So, today is the first day in roughly a week that I've been able to move much. You see, I'm extremely prone to ear infections due to a nasty fuck-up when I was a kid which resulted in the entire inside of my ear canal being reduced to a mass of scar tissue and the loss of about 20 decibles of hearing.
You see, at least once a year I will get an ear infection that is pretty bad by most peoples standards: throbbing pain, loss of balance, not being able to speak all to well because you're partially deaf...the fun shit. So, I get my yearly plague run and it seems to clear up rather quickly, which made me happy. Then, a few days ago I woke up, got out of bed and promptly faceplanted into a box. Why did I faceplant into a box? Well because both my ears were now apparently a hive of scum and villany worse than Mos Eisley. Not just one ear, both. So, I manage to crawl back into my bed and lay my head down and I feel something cold and wet and rather foul smelling under my head, I look at my pillow and it's FUCKING YELLOW and we all know what that means when you have an ear infection.
So my roommate stumbles into my room wondering why there was a sizable thud a few moments prior followed by much cursing on my part. I explain the situation to him and the fact that I don't think I can muster the balance to walk. So, he calls up my friends and they pick my broken ass up and get me into the Exploder and drive me all the way down to LA to the hospital where my dad works. On the way down my hearing is going in and out, kinda like when your floating in a pool and your ears keep going above and below water.
So we arrive at the hospital and my roommate runs in and gets my dad, who comes out with a wheelchair, thank god. My dad takes one look inside my ears and goes, "Jesus fucking christ Josh, did you empty a damn toxic waste dump into your ears," at the top of his lungs in front of like 20 of his patients. So dear old day pumps me full of antibiotics and writes up 2 prescriptions: Dimoxocillin and Vicadin. I love you dad.
So, I have spent the last few days stuck on my couch in the living room moving as little as possible with a fucking towel under my head to absorb the horrors that leak out of my fucking head when I tilt it.
Today was the first day I've actually been able to drag myself around the house without help, granted I drag myself very slowly, but still.
My dad is actually driving up here to check on me tomorrow, and hopefully bringing me more drugs to make the oozing pain stop...*sigh*
However, I have now successfully watched all of the following during my 'downtime':
The Entire Firefly series
The Entire Babylon 5 series
The Entire Farscape series
God, even when my brain is oozing away out of my ears and onto a crap towel I still manage to be a raving nerd.
So, how was your week?
So, today is the first day in roughly a week that I've been able to move much. You see, I'm extremely prone to ear infections due to a nasty fuck-up when I was a kid which resulted in the entire inside of my ear canal being reduced to a mass of scar tissue and the loss of about 20 decibles of hearing.
You see, at least once a year I will get an ear infection that is pretty bad by most peoples standards: throbbing pain, loss of balance, not being able to speak all to well because you're partially deaf...the fun shit. So, I get my yearly plague run and it seems to clear up rather quickly, which made me happy. Then, a few days ago I woke up, got out of bed and promptly faceplanted into a box. Why did I faceplant into a box? Well because both my ears were now apparently a hive of scum and villany worse than Mos Eisley. Not just one ear, both. So, I manage to crawl back into my bed and lay my head down and I feel something cold and wet and rather foul smelling under my head, I look at my pillow and it's FUCKING YELLOW and we all know what that means when you have an ear infection.
So my roommate stumbles into my room wondering why there was a sizable thud a few moments prior followed by much cursing on my part. I explain the situation to him and the fact that I don't think I can muster the balance to walk. So, he calls up my friends and they pick my broken ass up and get me into the Exploder and drive me all the way down to LA to the hospital where my dad works. On the way down my hearing is going in and out, kinda like when your floating in a pool and your ears keep going above and below water.
So we arrive at the hospital and my roommate runs in and gets my dad, who comes out with a wheelchair, thank god. My dad takes one look inside my ears and goes, "Jesus fucking christ Josh, did you empty a damn toxic waste dump into your ears," at the top of his lungs in front of like 20 of his patients. So dear old day pumps me full of antibiotics and writes up 2 prescriptions: Dimoxocillin and Vicadin. I love you dad.
So, I have spent the last few days stuck on my couch in the living room moving as little as possible with a fucking towel under my head to absorb the horrors that leak out of my fucking head when I tilt it.
Today was the first day I've actually been able to drag myself around the house without help, granted I drag myself very slowly, but still.
My dad is actually driving up here to check on me tomorrow, and hopefully bringing me more drugs to make the oozing pain stop...*sigh*
However, I have now successfully watched all of the following during my 'downtime':
The Entire Firefly series
The Entire Babylon 5 series
The Entire Farscape series
God, even when my brain is oozing away out of my ears and onto a crap towel I still manage to be a raving nerd.
So, how was your week?

At least it gave you an excuse to catch up on youre movies.