Well break has been good to me so far. Been taking it easy which is a pleasent switch from the hectic pace of stuff I have to do when I'm in session. Looking forward to screen writing, but they fucked up my scheduel so I need to go on campus tuesday during the day and get it changed back. Been to Ren Faire twice already, I always love going, never really gets dull. However, I've been lacking in the costume department for a few years now, so I think it's time that I start working on that. Every year I go all I see is crosses and crusaders and puritans and pirates, but is there ever one fucking person dressed as a Medieval Jew? NO! So I am making it my personal mission to be the first Judean at San Bernadino Faire next year. Exactly what the costume will be, I have no clue, BUT IT WILL BE DONE! Just gotta try to find enough examples of that kind ofgarb so that my friend Irene can help me in putting it together. I know, I'm a dork, so sue me. I'm also in the process of getting a new car. Panzer, my '94 Oldsmobile TANK, is on his last legs. The tranny is going fast, breaks are starting to fail, and the engines thermometer blew a fuse today, not to mention my left front tire is low on air. My parents are being kind enough to buy me a new car, seeing as how I inherited this piece of shit from a relative of ours, towards whom there are no good feelings. I really would like a Hybrid, considering I'm driving to LA from 'Nard all the damn time and 50-70 miles per gallon would taking some pain off of my bank account. I'll probably end up with a Toyota Matrix or CR-V, or maybe a Hyundai Rav-4 though, which I don't mind because they're all really sweet fucking cars for the price range they're in. My gaming group is beginning to grow finally, we got a new player this last game, and will hopefully have more at next game. I'm also going to start actually playing in another group that's based in Pasadena on our off weeks just because it'll be good PR and I miss running a few of my old characters. I tend to put alot of time and effort into thinking these characters up and putting them together, so I always feel bad when I put them on the shelf afterwards, so I tend to ressurect them from time to time, which I've never gotten any complaints about. Anywho, it's late and I'm tired. Time to curl up and snooze.
More Blogs
Sunday Feb 19, 2006
Okay, someone it seems has hacked my SG account and had my password c… -
Sunday Jan 15, 2006
School starts monday, so into the hell that is my portfolio I ride. 6… -
Saturday Dec 24, 2005
It's time again for two of the most boring days of the year for any J… -
Sunday Dec 18, 2005
Ahhhhhhhh...one whole month off from school...so nice...so relaxing..… -
Thursday Dec 08, 2005
AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! My thesis script was Greenlit for production las… -
Saturday Nov 26, 2005
Saffron, will you move out to LA? Please? -
Thursday Oct 20, 2005
I have been absent far to long, however, school has held me captive f… -
Tuesday Sep 27, 2005
LOOK OUT BOSTON, HERE I COME...for four days... -
Tuesday Sep 13, 2005
I'm 22 years old today, oy. Well, time to get drunk and act stupid… -
Wednesday Sep 07, 2005
My sister is an idiot that can't stay on her meds or keep her nose ou…
Is all you get!