Okay, someone it seems has hacked my SG account and had my password changed. Any shinanigans that have gone on over the past few weeks are not due to me, I'll be emailing the staff to see whats up. My apollogies.
School starts monday, so into the hell that is my portfolio I ride. 6 straight months, 1 production. This is gonna be...interesting...yes interesting...
It's time again for two of the most boring days of the year for any Jew: Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Looks like chinese food and movie theatres for me this year. Lame.
But regardless, to all my friends Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday's. Fuckin Chanukah better be good this year...
I have been absent far to long, however, school has held me captive for too long, thankfully a break is coming soon. Thesis film is progressing, production begins in approx. 10 weeks. Welcome to hell.
Oh Im sorry sweetie. But School only lasts so long. So you only have 2 more years to go.
And I'm sure one day you're sister will snap to her senses and lay off the cokebox.
Yesterday I bought Conker: Live & Reloaded (The XBox remake of Conker's Bad Fur Day).
Today my friend Clay bought Darkwatch.
I haven't left my couch since.
I have to register for my new classes for next session, I think I'm gonna take another advertising class, that or an ADT class. Just don't feel like going into my portfolio classes yet. But, the time is... Read More
work for the porn industry... trust me, thats actually what i do, its good money i always meet cool ass people and the drugs are not that bad... actally they arent good either.... best advice dont do drugs with porn stars.. they might end up wanting you... in your case girls wanting you is a great thing.. in mine i dont really think so... hehe...
miss ya.. you should come to san diego for a bit to celebrate your b-day and mine together.... hehe... it would be fun....
I love Ventura County, enough that when I heard talk of attempts being made to form an SGVC group, I thought I'd give it a shot and hopefully succeed where others were getting shot down.