man life can really suck sometimes!
i got laid off a little while back from my job, and ive been collecting unemployment so i dont feel totally worthless.they even tried to appeal me getting unemployment and they lost haha fuckers dont fire people for bullshit reasons!!!!!!
well anyways im also financing my car and thats been a bitch,and now im behind some payments and some lady called my house saying that i need to take care of it b4 it gets repo'd FUCK!!and im not the kind of person to ask my family for help id rather do all of it on my not a spoiled rich fuck whose mommy and daddy buy them everything....ok but this whole thing sucks ive been looking hard for jobs and nothing yet...and i may be stubborn but im not takin my plugs out.
i just hope i find something soon and everything works out but then again if it doesnt ,and i lose my car i can have a good job get a shitty car and pay for more tattoo's with the extra cash!!
i dont mean 2 complain........HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND!!!

well anyways im also financing my car and thats been a bitch,and now im behind some payments and some lady called my house saying that i need to take care of it b4 it gets repo'd FUCK!!and im not the kind of person to ask my family for help id rather do all of it on my not a spoiled rich fuck whose mommy and daddy buy them everything....ok but this whole thing sucks ive been looking hard for jobs and nothing yet...and i may be stubborn but im not takin my plugs out.
i just hope i find something soon and everything works out but then again if it doesnt ,and i lose my car i can have a good job get a shitty car and pay for more tattoo's with the extra cash!!

taking your plugs out probably won't change anything anyways when looking for a job. at least where i am, there are so many places who will hire you no matter how many body modifications you may have. it's not very uncommon around here. and really, it shouldn't be a problem. because just because you have plugs doesn't mean you are a shitty person/worker.
it's usuall older people who aren't too fond of piercings and such anyways. maybe try looking for work at a place more suited for your type.