man life can really suck sometimes! frown i got laid off a little while back from my job, and ive been collecting unemployment so i dont feel totally worthless.they even tried to appeal me getting unemployment and they lost haha fuckers dont fire people for bullshit reasons!!!!!!
well anyways im also financing my car and thats been a bitch,and now im behind some payments and some...
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sorry to hear the bad news frown

taking your plugs out probably won't change anything anyways when looking for a job. at least where i am, there are so many places who will hire you no matter how many body modifications you may have. it's not very uncommon around here. and really, it shouldn't be a problem. because just because you have plugs doesn't mean you are a shitty person/worker.

it's usuall older people who aren't too fond of piercings and such anyways. maybe try looking for work at a place more suited for your type.
okay i was bored today ..and i didnt have a ton of money soo i fugured id givemyself a little tattoo..go ahead laugh !! but i think it came out alright smile im gettin LOVE LOST on my knuckles and i figured it would go good together biggrin

she looked cute ..had to put it up!! biggrin
...i like ur style kiss
thank you kindly for the comment smile
i finally got to 5/8 lobes and i can say i am content now.....i ve really been pushing my luck with them anyway...i was at 1/2 inch a week ago went to 9/16 and then 5/8th all in a week my ears are hurting but its worth it ,i'll try to put a pic or two up if anyone cares?

this sounds kinda wierd it...
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it doesn't sound weird that you're going to the beach, autumn is the best time to spend out doors!

you're brave if you go into the water, though. the water's cold enough in the summer...
hows's everyone doin??finally its october ..getting closer to all the fun stuff in autumn...

as long as i have tthe money this week im planning on going and getting my knuckles tattoo'd ...im not a suit and tie kinda guy so i dont care about a office job i wanna go to design school so i think it'll work out....the only thing is seeing the...
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smile that is so cool you want to do your knuckles!what will you have on them?????and just for me could you post a picture of your pants up to your nipples on my journal??? biggrin
pretty please???!!!!!!!!!
kiss kiss kiss
Thanks for the Birthday wishes!!! kiss
i went to the big e yesterday..it deff. wasnt as much fun as i remember,the food was good but it jst seemed kinda crappy..one funny thing is the live entertainment was charrow i dont know how to spell her name ..she was on the sureal life ..i dunno ..so we screamed dumb shit and were stupid...oh and i got animal poop on my shoes fun,fun...
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charrow scares me.
my payment didnt go through for some reason..so i may be gone for a few...i'll be back

finally today i get to go to the big e!! biggrin biggrin i just watched one of the best movies last night,its called dead and breakfast...its pretty much the us version of sean of the dead only gorrier and funnier and it has david carradine from kill bill....i deff. recomend it good stuff!! smile smile smile smile

any recomendations on other horror movies??
i dont know why lately im into putting stupid stuff on here...but i found more halloween hats that are even dumber than the milk hat.....ok make fun i have no life lately ..cant sleep , frown i just honestly wouldnt set foot in a halloween party wearing one of these...i mean dont get me wrong im sure thier chick magnets and these guys will probably go...
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hahaha! Dumb shit is fun!
i think i have to resize my pics first next time...thier huge mad oh well.. cant wait im goin to the big e in two days,i know its not that big of a deal but im excited!! biggrin
whats the big E? Is that mardi gras?
smile cool!i can see why your looking forward to it!!!!have a really good time,and make sure you tell me all about it!!!!!
kiss kiss kiss