WOAH! When did all of this change? The website is all crazy. Well now I found a good place in my apartment to steal internet from people. Looks like I have some catching up to do.
it's so very wisconsin to have a festival devoted entirely to brats. will that stop me from attending and over-consuming them? fuck no.
dude... i was amazed by the multitude of cheap brats. then i ate my fair share. delishush.
the new apartment is pretty danceable. the first mini dance party took place last night. i hope the neighbors don't yell at me though.
danceable is the greatest adjective ever.
yeah, we should do something.
yeah, we should do something.
Oh! Glorious day! My booty shorts arrived in the mail. I picked up the Gnarls Barkley cd. I sold back a bunch of books. I have Vientiane leftovers waiting for me. What more could I ask for?
mmmhmm... i definitely had Vientiane leftovers waiting for me after my exam today. and you can never go wrong with booty shorts.
I'm in the mood for a dance party.
who's excited for gnarls barkley? i am.
I just heard Gone Daddy Gone. It's something i can get excited about.
wow. 3 nights in a row i said to myself, "i don't think i can top this. it just doesn't get any crazier." i lost my underwear and my glasses. i have $5 and 1/3 of a botttle of rum to my name. it was all worth it.
to celebrate the 21st anniversary of my day of birth, i'll be going out this thursday, friday, and saturday. thu: capitol area bars, fri: 512 w. wash, sat: probably more capitol bars. call my cell if you want to meet up and join in. anyone is welcome. 608-444-0864.
Happy Birthday! 

You're welcome. I hope that you had a great birthday!
And thanks.
And thanks.

what a fucking crazy night. got way too drunk at way too many madison spots. then came back to my friend's house to find that we were locked out. so she suggested that i kick in the window to get us in. in my drunk state of mind, i thought that was an amazing idea. so i kicked it in. so today she had to...
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wow, it's been over a year since i've written a journal entry. i'm currently looking for a femal counterpart to be in an electro-trash band with me. no previous musical experience necessary. i'll be in madison this summer. let's get it started.
i never change this anymore. what a shame.
i think i'm going to start making purses.
you should give on to me for free and then i will model it around town and pass out cards with yer name on them.
i would make a hot handbag model.
i would make a hot handbag model.