One of my favorite things about the SG community, is the large number of unapologetic comic book nerds on this site. Today, we all lost our grandfather, our icon, our greatest hero of all.
I never had the privilege of meeting Mr. Lee, but I know people who had. They all said that he was just as genuine, gracious and approachable as you would have hoped him to be.
I don't remember exactly what my first comic book was, but I've always been a Marvel fan. A big part of that, was Stan. Setting his stories in real places, having characters that were inherently flawed. They were people JUST LIKE US, only fate had given them something more. That resonated with me, and I know I'm not alone.
I wasn't sure about the Disney move when it was first announced. Honestly, I was fearful of seeing the Mouse with Captain America's shield. In hindsight, I'm glad it happened. Disney is strong enough to keep the Marvel name, and all its characters, safe. In that way, Stan will live forever.