Still trying to process the death of another artist. My wife and I had the fortune to see LP perform a couple years ago, as part of the Carnivores Tour. (W/30 Seconds to Mars and A.F.I.) It was an amazing show, by an incredibly talented group.
I've never been to the point where ending it seemed like the only way. Don't get me wrong, there have been some dark days, but I've never had to square off with that demon. It worries me that people who have sought treatment, are the ones who are killing themselves. It pisses me off that the meds they are given, are increasing the depression, rather than fighting it.
I cannot fathom, how the most advanced medical industry in the history of the world, cant figure this out. Don't get me wrong, I get that we are talking about addiction, recovery, mental illness and a whole bunch of other things. It just frustrates me that folks are slipping away from us at such a rapid rate.