Holy shit, I honestly keep meaning to get this regoing and then I completley ignore it.... fuck. I shoulda just went with my gut and did it when I said I was going too. I mean, its not like I dont have a photographer around here that would do it. So whats stopping me
Hopefully this will be the year I can get a set approved!!! Maybe even two!!!!
Hopefully this will be the year I can get a set approved!!! Maybe even two!!!!
I think your very sexxi!! I hope u make more sets 

wow its been a long time!! Im still alive just always super busy with work and house work. Trying to get in better shape for the summer
lucky man , good girl
so birthday was fun, no big thing but a bunch of my good good friends and I. We hung out most of the day and then had a small fire later on that night. Well it looks like Im back to where I used to be, I TRIED to put my 2 weeks in at wirk because it was WAY to much drama, and as...
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i am sure things will work out for you.. things are strange now a days they work out when we least exspect them to
hey everyone!
Sorry I havent been around latley, it seems like forever. but good news since my last blog. I am working a block away from where I live at a nursing home.
My boyfriend and I have our own computer now, so hopefully the days that I dont have to work, I will be on here and a little more active
Sorry I havent been around latley, it seems like forever. but good news since my last blog. I am working a block away from where I live at a nursing home.
My boyfriend and I have our own computer now, so hopefully the days that I dont have to work, I will be on here and a little more active

Hey! Happy Birthday!

Why is finding a damn job so hard?? I hate looking I hate it, and I hate being stuck in a small town too, Im sure that decreases my chances of ever getting a job!!
Why is finding a damn job so hard?? I hate looking I hate it, and I hate being stuck in a small town too, Im sure that decreases my chances of ever getting a job!!
So my friends are geniuses, they come up with the best ideas. Now I just have to get the stone moving, ask a couple of people, see of they will be cool with it and the idea is coming to life!

Ask away. What are your ideas?
And the search continues....
So the job that I was SUPPOSED to start never happened, and here I am again looking for jobs, its a never ending search dammit!
Sorry about that, it's happened to me too and I know it's a blow to the face. Good luck with the search though.