1. Have you ever had dreams that you remember for the rest of your life? Yes, I dream of my own death a lot. It's not scary or anything like that, I use it as motivation to paint as much as I can.
2. Would you like to be friends with a man like You? I'm not sure. That is kind of a hard question. I know I can be intense some times. I spend a lot of time alone working things out.
so Maybe
3. If the list of 7 wonders of the world had to be compiled again, what would You include in it? That is a hard one. I want to think I might say something clever but I think I'll pick fuzzy cows because they look magical.
4. What should everyone experience at least once in their life? The thrill of making something with their hands and selling it when they are hungry.
5. If You could become a character in a movie or book, what would it be? The Fishman in The Shape of Water.
6. Do you have any "shameful pleasures" that, however, give You a sense of happiness and fullness of life? I do this thing when I am nervous or on the edge where I touch the fire. Something about it is amazing to me.
7. What is the wisest thought You have ever heard? Perfection is pointless.
8. If You could choose an era to live in, which one would you choose? Fun, hard answer. In history, life has not been kind to my people so I don't have a good answer.
9. What superpower would you like to have? I joke about having the superpower to make people I don't like throw up rats. So either that or to stop time.
10. If you were offered eternal youth and an inexhaustible supply of money on the condition That you would never have love and family, Would you agree? no, life is about love and family is sometimes a byproduct.
11. You were offered to freeze Your body for 200 years for free, at any time, would you agree? Nah, I'm meant to change this world at this time. Would be a waste to lose that opportunity.
12. What would hell and heaven look like if you invented them? Hell would be stillness as the world rolled on around you.
Heaven would be the ability to fix things for people and yourself.
Thank you @redkaya
Am I supposed to tag someone? @makiroll @dragonfyre @midnight @glendaseventy @fresa
your answers will be better than mine.