Amid the power-shift @ work and the various personal fall-out's I've expericenced within the "New Year", this hawker is still moving to KC. Seriously, something's gotta make the year better! Packing suuuuuuuucks.
Skyrim finally has my soul....makes me want to re-live the D&D days with Mooney, Cooper & Scott w/ Testament and Slayer in the background

"No Shave November" is in effect, I don't believe I've been clean shaven since around by birthday last February. In other news, it's humbling to be chosen to rewire church that existed before the the "state" that you reside in, came to fruition. Hope I level up on this one. River Rock walls, i will get the camber of your breath.
yay for more guys giving the no shave november thing a shot!
and cool that you get to work on a local landmark like a church, i cant imagine how that feels
and cool that you get to work on a local landmark like a church, i cant imagine how that feels
The current master of "lyricists" mighty "Mos Def" or Mr. Lif....enjoy Ice Cube's cousin, Del the Funkee...
The new RHCP album is sweetly trash...The new Bury Your Dead, heard it before...he Crosses EP, and after all, to be biased: Love it!
Thanks to whomever kicked the free membership my way...appreciated!
This bachelor party next weekend better be worth it. I've been broke for far too long...Back to cleaning...

Yay. Valentine's Day. Yay....I swear this day is cursed for me; Nothing like a day to feel alone, right before I get a day where I feel ollllllld (b-day is the 17th). At least I wasn't dumped today though! Still...I felt like squeezing the life out of someone. Someone special. Oxbow has the perfect music for a day like today, a day in which I'm...
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Bad day today, typical Monday...bringing yourself back from the dead...yay. Monday nights always seem to be my favorite though, very low key; Cleaning, laundry, and lots of random music. Which reminds me, iTunes has been getting a fuckload of my money lately. My borrowed time is up, now time for sleep.......zzzzzzz

Hey. What is it with roomates destroying doors? The last two out of three that I've had, aren't very agreeable with the damn things. It's not like they punch holes in the drywall or are obnoxiously bad drunks, but they just cant grasp (literally) the design of a door knob......In other news my friend was held at gunpoint over a matter of 180 bucks that...
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karma is definately a bitch.
Dios, Mio.......Winter finally reared its ugly head.