Well, we had a launch party for some designer at my bar last night, and amongst booze, we were serving these red bull ripoffs called Blue Ox.....
at the end of the night we had a lot of this Blue Ox shit left over so I thought, well, I'll take some home. I could use some energy drinks.......
I woke up this morning to take them out of my bag thinking that I brought home like 8, maybe 10 cans of the stuff only to find out that i had 24 cans in there
I guess that's what happens when you drink too much at work
at the end of the night we had a lot of this Blue Ox shit left over so I thought, well, I'll take some home. I could use some energy drinks.......
I woke up this morning to take them out of my bag thinking that I brought home like 8, maybe 10 cans of the stuff only to find out that i had 24 cans in there

I guess that's what happens when you drink too much at work

some of the random things i have brought home from work after drinking to much: cd's of bands i hate, lots of bottles of alcohol, boys (hahaha), other peoples coats, and a kitten.
woah 24 cans??? you know .. after a while of drinking those drinks your body becomes immune to the effects.