Well, I went upstate NY last night to celebrate my grandma's 90th birthday, and about a mile before I get to her house I hit a friggin' deer. I was blinded by oncoming headlights and then when I could see again, I slacked it's ass as it was WALKING, not running, across the street. The deer was fine, just got up and kept going. But my jeep's fender isn't
Birthday dinner was great though.....
Anyway, on a brighter note......I have my Christmas tree up! It's a tiny one since I don't have any room for a big one this year. I bought a 36" fiber optic tree. I was still able to hang some of my better ornaments on it and it looks great next to my tv on top of the entertainment center
Christmas is my favorite time of year. And no, it's not because of the presents, though I do love giving and receiving them
, but mainly because I do believe in the reason for the season and plus I love all the Christmas cartoons and movies, as well as the music(the good stuff though, not the Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer crap!)

Anyway, on a brighter note......I have my Christmas tree up! It's a tiny one since I don't have any room for a big one this year. I bought a 36" fiber optic tree. I was still able to hang some of my better ornaments on it and it looks great next to my tv on top of the entertainment center

Christmas is my favorite time of year. And no, it's not because of the presents, though I do love giving and receiving them

Congrates on your grannys birthday!!!