Around this time of year, the weather brings with it the promise of all my favorite activities. Just need a few more degrees of warmth, and I can get going on some of them. C'mon, baby.
One thing that is certainly on that list is gardening. After last year's incredibly successful jalapeno harvest, I'm going full bore on them this year. That was also my...
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We need staff over at!
That about sums it up. Writers welcome, but I'd really like to bring a willing artist on board for a weekly webcomic and maybe a few other odds and ends. If you or someone you know may be interested, do not hesitate to ask me questions!
Life is Strange: Episode Two is the topic of the week for me. Come, share your thoughts if you have played the game, or if you haven't just drop by and call me a poopie or something!
They say that the pen is mightier than the sword, and I tend to wield both with equal amounts of awkwardness and aplomb.
My Occupational Therapist is out sick today, which means no playing with deceptively strong clothes pins or mass amounts of putty today, but since the data from yesterday indicates my hand strength is slightly past the expected level right now, I am...
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And likely one of my last. I'm about 90% sure I will be leaving the site soon, not for any reason other than I don't really have the time to devote to writing and the podcast, so I feel it is better for me to step away and let someone else fill the spot. Should anyone be interested in being that person, feel free to...
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Oh boy.
Well, I finally got a new phone yesterday, after much quibbling and nitpicking that ultimately led to me getting a new model in some rather convoluted version of "free," but at any rate, I didn't pay a dime, so I'll take it. I didn't really want a new phone, since my old one still works perfectly fine and has served well for nearly...
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