3/6: What is your favorite game? (any kind - video game, board game, drinking game, computer game, etc.)
via Rambo's Thread
I love all kinds of games. Gaming, in one form or another, has been with humanity for thousands of years. To play and compete is part of our being, and I embrace that (typically), but when it comes down to it, I crave a board game.
While my favorite board game is Northwest Passage, I will play any and all tabletop games. Don't get my wrong, I love video games too, but they have all but eliminated the need for people to actually come together to be enjoyed. Gathering with friends, be it in a house, or in a park, or hey, even in a bar to sit down and cast wits about is not lost with tabletop games. There is a human connection there that I value, and will always continue to seek in an age where we have become separated by glowing screens (though, arguably brought together by millions of miles of cable and radio waves).