Every once in awhile, even at my age, I meet someone that I want to be like when I grow up.
I work in a machine shop, and we make all sorts of steel odds and ends for various applications. As the low guy on the totem poll, it is my duty to also drive the van for local pick-ups and deliveries, which actually saves my company more money than I initially realized. I don't mind so much, though I would rather be in the shop getting my work done. However, days like today come along and I get to visit Mr. Bee, a gentleman who is spends his free time making wonderful little 1.5' scale steam trains and engines.
It's so cool to head out to his place, as he is about an hour away, so I typically will take my lunch while on the road. Doing this buys me time to chat with the guy. Not that my bosses are ever questioning about how long it takes me to make a delivery, but I don't want to push my luck because I really seeing what Mr. Bee is up to.
He's got a great little setup in Davison, MI. Nice house with a pole barn in back, ready to burst with machines and parts of small trains, his willy patiently parked beside it, waiting for the call of duty...which totally sounds dirty, I know. There is no shortage of willy jokes.
Anyway, he's got a website for parts here.
The thing is, he just seems so happy with what he does. There is something remarkable about working with your hands, and seeing a tangible result of your labor. I only discovered this a few years back with woodworking. You can always tell a Maker from the rest of the crowd; they're the curious ones who make mistakes with a smile on their face because hey, even that's a learning experience, and at the end of the day, they still have that smile fueled by the knowledge that they've created something.
That is where aim to be, and that is certainly where I'm headed.