Hi all, I'm so bad at writing in this thing..

Anyway, I'm sick at the moment, from something that I've been carrying for a long time, but I think it is just a cold so...but it's annoying as hell!
I really love writing poems, and reading, especially Tolkien. I just love his language and his world, and I've written
some poems about his world, and I thought I'd share them with you! so here goes...
Cuivinen, the lake of stars
With heavens light
shining in their eyes
they awoke at Cuivinen
and before the sun rose
they beheld the stars
A world so vast and new
they found it good and fair
but in darkness evil stirred
and voices came on the wind
the calling of Valar
who spoke of peace
in their land
and some rose and followed
but the stars of Cuivinen
never left their eyes
Seeing stones
The seeing stones
that watches sea and land
and in their spheres of shadow
victory can be seen
With nobel heart and strenght of will
the men from westerness could see
where their people were in need
and ask for their advice
There were many stones
scattered in the world
from Amon-Sul to Minas Ithil
and in Osgiliaths dome of stars
Yet after many wars
where evil conquered all
the Palantrs were lost to time
and in Orthanc Saruman obeys
the dark lords orders
The steward of Gondor struggles
with the lord of Barad-dur
but despite the years passing
with the withering of strength
Sauron could never break
the will of Denethor
Peregrin Took, a curious hobbit
heard the necromancers voice
and now he rides with Gandalf
to Minas Tirith with haste
Now utmost caution
is needed for us all
and trust in Shadowfax
to outrun the wind
for the enemy follows every step
from somewhere up above
while the war comes closer
to the city of kings
The creator of worlds
With pipe in hand and thoughts of dwarves
and laughing hobbits, lovers of food
of elves in Rivendell, who dream of stars
Tolkien, father of Middle-Earth
our own Ilvatar
from his mind Rohirrim charged
on their grassy plains
shaping lakes and mountains
and the endless ocean
He weaves the fabric of fae
like moonlight in house of elves
With this I want to thank our great Professor
who lead us safely through the perilous realm
Crdan Shipwright
Crdan Shipwright
he watches over ship and sea
his gaze towards Valinor
with longing in his heart
from his havens grey
goes swanships fair
who dares the waves
to the sounds of seagulls
and splash of the sea
but he stays behind
he's been there forever
when he woke with the stars
he saw his kin rise
He is a mystery
with ancient gaze watching rise and tide
across Ulmos waves and Manws winds
lies fair Valinor
where the undying elves
dwell with gods
here the stars will never fade
in their eyes
To Beren and Lthien
The song of the nightingale
who sounded through
the woods captured his heart
strength hidden beyond the fair
Eldars hope for their future
and their fear of the night
when the hand of the hero
closed upon hers
sealing their fate
who would shake evil
in its foundations
With the strenght of the Vala
and their love the walls
of darkness fell
by nightingale song
and beyond death
they met again
in their undying love
To Caradhras
Beautiful Barazinbar, cruel Caradhras!
with your peaks crowned in snow,
glowing in the sunset!
rising proudly towards Manws skies
where eagles listen
By your side, stand Silvertine and Cloudyhead,
brothers forever
eternal snow glimmer by light of sun and moon
as cold as nighttime stars
the Misty Mountains your home,
your sky and roots
far down in Khazad-dm
winding passages deep in stone,
that sparkles with mithril
precious mithril, the desire of dwarves
do you hear their hammerstrokes?
Your base in Morias depths
home to nighttime creatures
where you forced Gandalf and his friends
on unknown roads through your darkness
in gloomy halls and stairs,
by the sound of drums, shadow and fire awoke
to finally fall to Olrins blade
But you care nothing of this
where you stand in silence and snow
cruel Barazinbar, beautiful Caradhras!
home to eagles and eternity
your snow glows like blood
in the light of the setting sun
Spirit of Olrin
When Olrin the spirit was driven home
through smoke and eternity
by his war with the demon of flame
sent back in greatest need
Seeking familiar roads
with strange memories and sounds
Gandalf White walks in forests green
He fell in Morias mines
and the memory of his parting words
were forever in their hearts
But now the veil of sorrow lifts
from their eyes by the sound
of a voice they once knew
he met the three hunters among the trees
Olrin seeks his shape
and slowly reforms again
slowly he becomes their friend
a leader in shining white
His laughter gives them hope
and victory guides his steps
for in the weave of fate threads are made
unknown to wizard and man
When Olrin came back
hope returned to heart and mind
and their hunt made easy
by the sound of his voice
when they met in the forest
while the ents go to war
Mallorn, golden trees of Lothlrien
Mallorn, Lothlriens golden leaves
that shines in blessed spring
with silver and green
sailed with the fair people
from the undying lands
and planted in Arda by Altriel
golden lady of Noldor
an otherwordly forest
where time floats strangely
feared by many, full of power
home to Galadriel and Celeborn
Beneath their branches
no enemy ventures
but one day it happened
the light steps of hobbits
wandering forth on meadows of elanor,
flowers like sun and stars
the destiny of the world in their hands
and sorrow in heart and mind
In Galadriels mirror present and future
were shown before their eyes
and the heavy burden 'round Frodos neck
almost impossible to bear
If you had the energy to read it all, thank you very much! Hope you enjoyed it!
Now, if I could find some energy here somewhere...