Feeling a lot better, and at the same time not...
I have more contact with my friend again, and we're joking almost as before, but some subjects are diffucult, and we haven't seen each other for some weeks now, I have no idea of what I will feel when we do...
He is tricky to get close to, but I'm working on it, been reading...
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Hope you have a happy birthday!
Hello again, some more ramblings..
It's always fun to realise things about yourself, is it not? My husband and me have recently met a great guy, who we thought would just be a friend...but nope. All of a sudden came a strong attraction from me toward him, that grew to feelings, but my love for my wonderful husband did not diminish, but got bigger. And...
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hmm, maybe a new blog post would be nice, I'm so bad at this, I could never have a journal or a diary! I would never write in it...
Sitting here and applying for jobs, and trying to cheer myself with OLD music, from late 80:s, somehow that music was better then it is now? And in a way life was too, it was much...
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Sitting here and applying for jobs, and trying to cheer myself with OLD music, from late 80:s, somehow that music was better then it is now? And in a way life was too, it was much...
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Thank you guys very much! Sorry for not noticing that people have been written nice things

Photos taken by my
Thought I'd write here, cause I need to unload a bit...
Feel kinda down, cause of money, or lack thereof, and of work..they tend to go together....It's been like this for a long while, and it is getting tiring...Nervousness, stress and illness...so tired of it, and all jobs I have applied for and not gotten..
Just wish that something could change to the better, and...
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Feel kinda down, cause of money, or lack thereof, and of work..they tend to go together....It's been like this for a long while, and it is getting tiring...Nervousness, stress and illness...so tired of it, and all jobs I have applied for and not gotten..
Just wish that something could change to the better, and...
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Thank you <3
Hi all, I'm so bad at writing in this thing..

Anyway, I'm sick at the moment, from something that I've been carrying for a long time, but I think it is just a cold so...but it's annoying as hell!
I really love writing poems, and reading, especially Tolkien. I just love his language and his world, and...
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Happy New year everyone, and with hope that next year will be better!
And remember, take care with those fireworks, send a thought to all dogs and cats and other animals tonight, who can be scared!
Happy new beer!!!

Happy new beer!!!
Merry Christmas and a good holiday for everyone!
Sitting here in my warm livingroom, looking out at the swirling snow, dressed warm and cozy in a robe and pyjamas, and having a nice time. I'm pretty tired and worn out, it's been a pretty difficult time since, and for now christmas will be calm and nice with my husband, our cats, food and of course...
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Sitting here in my warm livingroom, looking out at the swirling snow, dressed warm and cozy in a robe and pyjamas, and having a nice time. I'm pretty tired and worn out, it's been a pretty difficult time since, and for now christmas will be calm and nice with my husband, our cats, food and of course...
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Happy Holidays to you!
Hrligt & hra att du haft en fin julafton. Hoppas resten av julen blir riktigt fin fr er

Hello everyone!
I think our life will be better, going in the right direction! The immediate threath of being evicted is fixed, by wonderful help from friends! Love you!
I have a amazing husband, and together we can scale most heights...we've done it before..
My poems are coming together too, been writing some Tolkien inspired poems lately! Mostly from the Silmarillion and Lost tales, and...
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thank you for your comment on my set !

This will be a short blog entry, but I have to unload some stuff...so here goes...
Due to some money trouble lately, we risk being evicted from our home, cause of an old unpaid rent...we're working on getting the money in the 3 weeks notice, but after that we're out...just wanted to share it here, if someone reads...I'm so scared right now, but we search...
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Due to some money trouble lately, we risk being evicted from our home, cause of an old unpaid rent...we're working on getting the money in the 3 weeks notice, but after that we're out...just wanted to share it here, if someone reads...I'm so scared right now, but we search...
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I hope everything will be all right, good luck!
I hope it will, we're doing our best and having wonderful friends to help, so..but it's just so scary...
Sorry for the radiosilence, if someone even reads this
But I have been sick, and I am sick still, the second time around..and I'm so tired of it! Luckily I have someone to take care of me, but I am tired of being at home all the time, not having any energy, and not to see the cats on the catshelter, especially my two kittens...taking...
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Kittens! I am jealous. My landlady will not let me have any pets
Congratulations on the camera. I hope you feel better soon!

Congratulations on the camera. I hope you feel better soon!
Thank you sweetie <3
I wish you the best if you ever want to publish your poems
I wish you the best if you ever want to publish your poems
