Hi you guys!
i know it's been soooo long since my last blog, but i've been super busy between my new job and my new project!
since the last blog i wrote a lot of things have happened: i started working with Chilli Beans, an eyewear brand; and i started to concentrate more on my project with susi, because guys... this thing is getting really big, for real!
Madame Jaune has transformed in to my life project, is now what i want to do for a living because i realized that being a stylist is my thing. also i've fond out that in Medellin the fashion blogging and styling business is still growing, and that our alternative look and style still hasn't developed a space in the city!
in totally related news... in going back to school! jajaja, yeah, in order to pursue my project Susy and I are going to beauty school! is in a local academy... quite funny because the uniforms is... how do i put it... not very flattering... ill post a picture some day.
finally i think you noticed y erased my past Instagram account @jaunesuicide. the reason behind this is that with the Madame Jaune project i decided to have that account as my official account and my new personal account private.
so i want you all to follow me, follow @madamejauneblog on Instagram, there, susi and i post pictures daily, and a lot of the pictures i post on my personal profile we post them on Madame Jaune.
you can also follow my Facebook page www.facebook.com/madamejaune and very soon we will be launching the blog's website!
so, this is a little appetizer about whats yet to come. i promise i will be posting more and be more active on the website!
kisses to all!
susy and me!
Our Christmas presents!
We are selfies addicts
On susie's Donut themed party!
some ilustrations from susi for our page, how cute do we look?
We also have a Twitter! @madamejauneblog
and tumblr!
On our page we sell MANIC PANIC hair dyes, we love them!
They think we are cool too ;)