Whiskey is fuckn HORRID!
<~~~ yep. that's right!
My friend Brandy and i went 80's dancing tonight. We had a blast. everyone should move to Utah and come 80's dancing, because it's a fuckn blast.
especially when you can't even dance normally, because you're too busy falling over, whenver you're dancing with your friends.
My friend and i dance like michael fuckn jackson. It's really funny to watch, i bet. Im the bigger version of the same thing. we're like dancing clones. it's hilarious.
ps- Myspace blowwwwwws! I've been trying to get on the site for over an hour, and im feeling an unplesant hang over comming on, the longer i wait. It's been awhile, since whiskey and i have hung out. and tonight, it was whiskey and coke. good stuff... terrible day after. The coolest guy, bought me a pitcher of beer tonight! he's sweet. i dont even know his name.. all i know about him, is he calls him self 'asian kid' ... granted he's asian. but i's like to know his name. I'm telling you fuckers.. Utah is THE SHIT.
I'm going to miss the people a lot when i move.
I'm moving to Virgina.. of all places. To become a 13 dollar an hr paid toilet installer with my best friend.. we're goign to be the femme lesbian version of mario and fuckn luigi. YES!!
- Sad to go though. won't be gone for long, i hope.
my heart is here. I feel, ifi were to neglict it for too long, it would fade away, and become nothing at all. Feelings are the biggest mystery to me, in this world. because you never really know, how other people feel. Sure they can say they feel a certain way. But in all reality, they could feel the exact opposite, and tell you as much just to spare yours, or even their own. .....You never really know. What's funnier, is when you know you belong with someone, like they are this big missing piece is the puzzle of life, and you find them.. and then it's all about conviencing them that they really are that piece, and them wanting to fit in that spot, you feel so much they belong. -Im going through somthing similuar to that now. it's rough, but at the same time, so chill. -That i don't want to rush this situation, like i have so much before, with others, because i feel, that if i follow my heart, and let them folow theirs, that eventually things will fall into place.... and that rushing anything would only lead to emptyness. Emptyness, that could never be replaced. It's funny when you meet SO many people thinking they could be of such value to your life, in any way at all. be it, friendship, or some sort of learning expierance you lack, whatever it may be, when you meet the person you know at the exact moment of macking first eye contact with, that they are going to be someone very important in your life, someone you may even fall in love with- that you some times push it away. Trying to aviod what is is, you're really looking for..... that one tiny speck of light in the big fuckn tunnel. you see it, but turn the other way? why is that, we're like that? It's human nature, i suppose. -All you can do is wait.... And what is waiting goign to do? waiting works well.. i feel with pacients, you can get anywhere... if you really care about someone SO much, and are whilling for them to sort out whatever it is they have to sort out, or expierance, or whatever is may be... that the end result will, in fact be what you're really looking for. Becaue with pacience, comes truth. and comes happiness. if you're pacient enough, you can achieve anything. especially love, if that's what yo're looking for. And with this person.... yes, eventually it is. or course, i'd never confide that in her. Because, i want her to have the freedom, she wants, and the expierances, she wants. and to sort out everything, and anything that comes her way, and to be a friend, and not this burden carring a thousand pounds of feelings around in her shadow. So, pacients works. because, right now isnt the time... if both people arent ready for everything.... then there can't be anything. Not romantic anyway. There can be plenty of good times to be had, and laughs. and drunken nights, and bruises from sticky kitchen floors, and lots of early morning hot chocolate to drink, and lots of confiding in each other, about anything at all... lots of trust to build. a lot of anything that comes our way.. and we can take it on, because even if we're not in love, right now. We do love each other. And that beats the fuck out of nothing at all.
yesssss! go fuck whiskeyyyyy yacker mouth cunt i am!
...so who's felt anything remotely to this before in their lives????? Any of you? Any of you at all?
Tell me your story......

My friend Brandy and i went 80's dancing tonight. We had a blast. everyone should move to Utah and come 80's dancing, because it's a fuckn blast.
especially when you can't even dance normally, because you're too busy falling over, whenver you're dancing with your friends.

ps- Myspace blowwwwwws! I've been trying to get on the site for over an hour, and im feeling an unplesant hang over comming on, the longer i wait. It's been awhile, since whiskey and i have hung out. and tonight, it was whiskey and coke. good stuff... terrible day after. The coolest guy, bought me a pitcher of beer tonight! he's sweet. i dont even know his name.. all i know about him, is he calls him self 'asian kid' ... granted he's asian. but i's like to know his name. I'm telling you fuckers.. Utah is THE SHIT.
I'm going to miss the people a lot when i move.
I'm moving to Virgina.. of all places. To become a 13 dollar an hr paid toilet installer with my best friend.. we're goign to be the femme lesbian version of mario and fuckn luigi. YES!!

my heart is here. I feel, ifi were to neglict it for too long, it would fade away, and become nothing at all. Feelings are the biggest mystery to me, in this world. because you never really know, how other people feel. Sure they can say they feel a certain way. But in all reality, they could feel the exact opposite, and tell you as much just to spare yours, or even their own. .....You never really know. What's funnier, is when you know you belong with someone, like they are this big missing piece is the puzzle of life, and you find them.. and then it's all about conviencing them that they really are that piece, and them wanting to fit in that spot, you feel so much they belong. -Im going through somthing similuar to that now. it's rough, but at the same time, so chill. -That i don't want to rush this situation, like i have so much before, with others, because i feel, that if i follow my heart, and let them folow theirs, that eventually things will fall into place.... and that rushing anything would only lead to emptyness. Emptyness, that could never be replaced. It's funny when you meet SO many people thinking they could be of such value to your life, in any way at all. be it, friendship, or some sort of learning expierance you lack, whatever it may be, when you meet the person you know at the exact moment of macking first eye contact with, that they are going to be someone very important in your life, someone you may even fall in love with- that you some times push it away. Trying to aviod what is is, you're really looking for..... that one tiny speck of light in the big fuckn tunnel. you see it, but turn the other way? why is that, we're like that? It's human nature, i suppose. -All you can do is wait.... And what is waiting goign to do? waiting works well.. i feel with pacients, you can get anywhere... if you really care about someone SO much, and are whilling for them to sort out whatever it is they have to sort out, or expierance, or whatever is may be... that the end result will, in fact be what you're really looking for. Becaue with pacience, comes truth. and comes happiness. if you're pacient enough, you can achieve anything. especially love, if that's what yo're looking for. And with this person.... yes, eventually it is. or course, i'd never confide that in her. Because, i want her to have the freedom, she wants, and the expierances, she wants. and to sort out everything, and anything that comes her way, and to be a friend, and not this burden carring a thousand pounds of feelings around in her shadow. So, pacients works. because, right now isnt the time... if both people arent ready for everything.... then there can't be anything. Not romantic anyway. There can be plenty of good times to be had, and laughs. and drunken nights, and bruises from sticky kitchen floors, and lots of early morning hot chocolate to drink, and lots of confiding in each other, about anything at all... lots of trust to build. a lot of anything that comes our way.. and we can take it on, because even if we're not in love, right now. We do love each other. And that beats the fuck out of nothing at all.
yesssss! go fuck whiskeyyyyy yacker mouth cunt i am!

...so who's felt anything remotely to this before in their lives????? Any of you? Any of you at all?

Tell me your story......

Yo Happy Valentines day

i am the puke queen! god damned whiskey! oh hey umm i wanna plan a birfday party for me and cinder would you be willing to help me out!the weekend of cinders b day its the weekend after mine. so just give me a holler. and lemme kno9w whats up please!