I NEED a fucking digital camera. So SO badly. Hounestly, My profile pics are always like 13 years old. It's depressing to come on here and see the same photo from like last year still on here, and i look like a leper. I Love It!
So, guess who FINALLY fucking has an appt to start her sleeve shes been talking about getting for over a year???? You're right! My mom has finally given in!
J/K ha. -So, yeah, i've finally gotten around to actually schedualing the appt, yay!!! I cant even fucking wait! It looks SO fucking cool... theres no way, ever, even when im like 75 and still masturbating am i going to get sick of this tattoo... i love it. I'll have to hook myself to gather the 250 for a digi cam, so that i can actually post pics of it. The detail is aesome too. hot hot.
So...HAPPY FUCKIN NEW YEAR! I got ina car crash... kind of... more like my bestfriends car slipped on the icey shitty Utah road and plummeted off the fuckn road and into a big deep perverted little ditch... and there she stayed.... as water from the frozen snow slowly seeped its way through... it was hot. I was sober. And crawling out of a hyundai accent at 4:30 in the morning new years day, hoping her car wouldnt explode or the plesant grove police wouldnt notice a car full of slightly intoxicated minors and one destributor of the delinquincy of those minors, which, of course was me. -So, a very long, wet, cold walk and a big pist off bruise on the leg later, my bestfriend and i found ourselves sitting in a nearly complete strangers house waiting for a ride, to the car that was resting in the ditch down the road... eventually they show. at 6:30 am. we call a tow truck, only to notice the plesant grove police had already hit the scene of the accedent, with their own tow truck... ... a conversation with the police man, and a long increadably eventful, in all the wrong ways night, with a bonus bestfriend hauled off to jail due to a warrent for unpaid speeding tickets... i was finally able to hit the fuckn sack... ...If the rest of the year goes this way... shoot me now. -I imagine, that was a sign that this will be a very eventful, very changable year. Hopefully in a good way this time!!
So, whats new with all of you? xo
ps- I got to meet this kid Kevin Ugly coolest kid EVER!! I've been talking to on this little box for yearrsssss now!! Was fun shit... but, of course i completely forgot to stop by wal-mart for a cheep 4.99 disposable camera for the occation hah. so, of course no pics. We had blast though! Sang karoke! haha he rocked white zombie.. it was good times. I totally slaughtered Pat Benatar. ha! it was a blast. but too short! I need to visit Oakland, i've decided. they were too fucking cool.
So, guess who FINALLY fucking has an appt to start her sleeve shes been talking about getting for over a year???? You're right! My mom has finally given in!

So...HAPPY FUCKIN NEW YEAR! I got ina car crash... kind of... more like my bestfriends car slipped on the icey shitty Utah road and plummeted off the fuckn road and into a big deep perverted little ditch... and there she stayed.... as water from the frozen snow slowly seeped its way through... it was hot. I was sober. And crawling out of a hyundai accent at 4:30 in the morning new years day, hoping her car wouldnt explode or the plesant grove police wouldnt notice a car full of slightly intoxicated minors and one destributor of the delinquincy of those minors, which, of course was me. -So, a very long, wet, cold walk and a big pist off bruise on the leg later, my bestfriend and i found ourselves sitting in a nearly complete strangers house waiting for a ride, to the car that was resting in the ditch down the road... eventually they show. at 6:30 am. we call a tow truck, only to notice the plesant grove police had already hit the scene of the accedent, with their own tow truck... ... a conversation with the police man, and a long increadably eventful, in all the wrong ways night, with a bonus bestfriend hauled off to jail due to a warrent for unpaid speeding tickets... i was finally able to hit the fuckn sack... ...If the rest of the year goes this way... shoot me now. -I imagine, that was a sign that this will be a very eventful, very changable year. Hopefully in a good way this time!!

So, whats new with all of you? xo
ps- I got to meet this kid Kevin Ugly coolest kid EVER!! I've been talking to on this little box for yearrsssss now!! Was fun shit... but, of course i completely forgot to stop by wal-mart for a cheep 4.99 disposable camera for the occation hah. so, of course no pics. We had blast though! Sang karoke! haha he rocked white zombie.. it was good times. I totally slaughtered Pat Benatar. ha! it was a blast. but too short! I need to visit Oakland, i've decided. they were too fucking cool.

hahahaha- you do look like a leper. har har.