when yr teeth match yr skin-tone in pics....that's not a good thing.
..good sign that its time to quit smoking.
Tomorrow i'm going with Cinder and Dave on a double date with my x g/f from like 3 years ago -to go bowling, dude i havent bowled for like 5 years- then i think we're going out to chinese- and hopefully drinking some place and then hopefully my datey date will sleep at my house.
-I plan for a perfet day tomorrow. *wish me luck* I really like this girl, she's beautiful- and a lot like me- for whatever reason im really comfortable with her. -we have a lot of fun together.
I have such trouble trusting girls though, always scared of things not turning out- and scared for feeling for people. cause they always end up seeming awesome and end up being married, and a pathological liar. gotta' love dem utah girls.
-I sold my car today for 35 bucks! whatta deal. I didnt have time to sell it, so i sold it to a scrap yard
sad times. -But i have one more car im selling and hopefully that'll sell for 1000 so i can get my honda!
my kittie keeps running away again, and she came home today with some strange tangley stickyness in her tail... i think she found a boyfriend. i need to bathe her everyday it seems because ill bathe her, and that night she'll go out and get dirty again.
my job is killing me. im so sick of working where i do. I somtimes feel like calling up that old slave of mine and start working for him again. made such better money being a dominatirx than working fast food. -its saddening. this kid just walked out today- i wish i had the luxury to do such a thing-
So.. i found out some interesting news today- dont know how true it is, but i heard somthing about bush, if re-relcted will pass the draft thinger again- forcing male and felmales ages 18-23 to go to war. -On that note, who in canada needs a roomie? -I hate the cold, but canada seems like such a nice place. -esp in compairison to being drafted to go fight some war. supposidly, if he's re-elected it will be passed by july... good times. -Ii personally hope he is not re-elected, he hate gays. and now this. thats enough for me. -bring back clinton. i like that guy, he was real..yea he had some fun in the oval office- but, all-in all a good pressy.
-this world is turing into shit. - I heard on the news a couple weeks ago this guy raped this like 10 yr old girl and then beat her to death in the face with a hammer..what are people thinking here? ..it's weird serving people food, and wondering if thats the guy who beats his wife, or thats the lady who exposes her 6 yr old son on some kiddie porn site- it weirds me out. why people cant just give a shit about each other and live theyr lives is beyond me. - its really appaling to think about- people know right from wrong naturally, why they dont think about things before they do them is also beyond me. -end of that.
i want to live in a hole..where people dont go out and murder innocent people and rape little children. people ignore it, because what else are they suppose to do right? - i think the reasoning for that is because if they could see and feel exactly ALL the pain in the world ....they'd die. it's too much to fathom. it's really quite sad.
anyway... my 2 cents of randomnes.
have a good one. rage more! harhar
*today begins the dawning of the month of the Cancer! heros in a crab-shell! ..wait a minute!!! there should be a CrAb emoticon! tisky-tisky.

Tomorrow i'm going with Cinder and Dave on a double date with my x g/f from like 3 years ago -to go bowling, dude i havent bowled for like 5 years- then i think we're going out to chinese- and hopefully drinking some place and then hopefully my datey date will sleep at my house.
-I plan for a perfet day tomorrow. *wish me luck* I really like this girl, she's beautiful- and a lot like me- for whatever reason im really comfortable with her. -we have a lot of fun together.
I have such trouble trusting girls though, always scared of things not turning out- and scared for feeling for people. cause they always end up seeming awesome and end up being married, and a pathological liar. gotta' love dem utah girls.
-I sold my car today for 35 bucks! whatta deal. I didnt have time to sell it, so i sold it to a scrap yard

my kittie keeps running away again, and she came home today with some strange tangley stickyness in her tail... i think she found a boyfriend. i need to bathe her everyday it seems because ill bathe her, and that night she'll go out and get dirty again.

my job is killing me. im so sick of working where i do. I somtimes feel like calling up that old slave of mine and start working for him again. made such better money being a dominatirx than working fast food. -its saddening. this kid just walked out today- i wish i had the luxury to do such a thing-
So.. i found out some interesting news today- dont know how true it is, but i heard somthing about bush, if re-relcted will pass the draft thinger again- forcing male and felmales ages 18-23 to go to war. -On that note, who in canada needs a roomie? -I hate the cold, but canada seems like such a nice place. -esp in compairison to being drafted to go fight some war. supposidly, if he's re-elected it will be passed by july... good times. -Ii personally hope he is not re-elected, he hate gays. and now this. thats enough for me. -bring back clinton. i like that guy, he was real..yea he had some fun in the oval office- but, all-in all a good pressy.
-this world is turing into shit. - I heard on the news a couple weeks ago this guy raped this like 10 yr old girl and then beat her to death in the face with a hammer..what are people thinking here? ..it's weird serving people food, and wondering if thats the guy who beats his wife, or thats the lady who exposes her 6 yr old son on some kiddie porn site- it weirds me out. why people cant just give a shit about each other and live theyr lives is beyond me. - its really appaling to think about- people know right from wrong naturally, why they dont think about things before they do them is also beyond me. -end of that.
i want to live in a hole..where people dont go out and murder innocent people and rape little children. people ignore it, because what else are they suppose to do right? - i think the reasoning for that is because if they could see and feel exactly ALL the pain in the world ....they'd die. it's too much to fathom. it's really quite sad.
anyway... my 2 cents of randomnes.
have a good one. rage more! harhar

*today begins the dawning of the month of the Cancer! heros in a crab-shell! ..wait a minute!!! there should be a CrAb emoticon! tisky-tisky.
I had fun hangin' out with ya's this past week. We need to do it some more!
In my dealings with the world
Faces that i've seen before am i sure
Or has my brain turned
Thinking about things i don't understand
Thinking about things i don't understand
Dreams and omens of my future
Like a sculpture finely molded
Stars that guide my destiny
Tell me what i will be
A chart unfolded
Thinking about things i don't understand
Thinking about things i don't understand
Da da ... la la ... oh oh oh ...
Seems there's plans for everyone
--Michael Dunford
(Renaissance--Turn of the Cards--Things I don't understand)