So my internet access is again gone, cause its really ufcked up for the time. But im at cinders getting ready to go to the pride festival, which hopefully doesnt folow its past fests and become a total nightmare, like it has all the years before. -Im tired, hungry and wish i hadnt chose to wear the outfit im now wearing, but over-all i bet it'll be a good day... not a clowd in the sky, which could bea good or bad thing for this little scorpio mama....
gil took that pic of me... har har! i llok like a jasperhooker yessum
-so i talked with wayne a bit more about the demo, and its going to be a bit tougher than i thought- lots of thinking involved, and planning it all out, im scared im going ot think it over and have it all maped out, and then decide it's all wrong, and want to go about it in a totally different way- like i have no idea whihc song i want ot use, and id liek to use more than one, but i have to choose a perfect one, so that when he sends it off to the record company they'll hear like 20 secs of it and like it enough to listen to the rest of it..... im really nervous... and it being a dvd- demo, i have no idea how i want to present myself.... like i just wanna throw on some everyday clothes and be myself... but i know somtimes being yourself isnt what gets you to where you want to be..... ya know? .. i mean... maybe i wont have a problem in that area... but if i cant even come up with a goood enough set for this site to accept me.... its scary to think of what a record label is going to say, ya know?
on a sad note, my little kittie i always dye pink has run away
i posted missing kittie flyers yesterday, she ran away thursday night... shes never been gone this long.... maybe someone stole her.... she was beautiful, and i dont even have a picture of her... i dont think shes comming back... ive called the humaiine society, and they havent picked her up..... i just wish i knew if she was still alive.... and morbidly enough, if she were dead, id like her that i could either barry or creamate her.... or somthing.... id like to see her again. -also, there is a reward for her im puttinh up 100 and my brother is putting in 100 os 200... i hate being poor id give all the money in the world if i had it in hand...
anyway... wish me luck she returns.
im off to finish getting ready! i missed the parade, i was in it a few years ago, its too hot here to go stand around at a parade... its great and all.. but its pretty much the same here every year... the fest is what gets me all rilled up anyway!
hugs n kisses! xo
gil took that pic of me... har har! i llok like a jasperhooker yessum
-so i talked with wayne a bit more about the demo, and its going to be a bit tougher than i thought- lots of thinking involved, and planning it all out, im scared im going ot think it over and have it all maped out, and then decide it's all wrong, and want to go about it in a totally different way- like i have no idea whihc song i want ot use, and id liek to use more than one, but i have to choose a perfect one, so that when he sends it off to the record company they'll hear like 20 secs of it and like it enough to listen to the rest of it..... im really nervous... and it being a dvd- demo, i have no idea how i want to present myself.... like i just wanna throw on some everyday clothes and be myself... but i know somtimes being yourself isnt what gets you to where you want to be..... ya know? .. i mean... maybe i wont have a problem in that area... but if i cant even come up with a goood enough set for this site to accept me.... its scary to think of what a record label is going to say, ya know?
on a sad note, my little kittie i always dye pink has run away

anyway... wish me luck she returns.

im off to finish getting ready! i missed the parade, i was in it a few years ago, its too hot here to go stand around at a parade... its great and all.. but its pretty much the same here every year... the fest is what gets me all rilled up anyway!

hugs n kisses! xo

everytime i go and come back u get yummy-er!