-Let's play name that song!
I dyed half my hair black and half my hair blonde, its more of a drk orange color, which doesnt look too bad, but im re-bleaching it and dying half of it flamingo pink and keeping the other half black..... it loks cool, i had it like this a couple years ago and liked it a lot. ..i'll get pics of the final out come of it.
going out tonight with some pals
yah fucker! it should be fun. Although, i'll probably end up at the bar with a bunch of my guy friends playng pool and drinking steins, which has become like ritual lately.
Himsa played tonight in salt lake.... and of course i missed it...i missed them last time they were here too...i hate my work hours! so damn inconvienant!! -They're comming again though in April with bleeding through and dashboard confessinal or some out of nowhere band, but Kendra and i are going for sure.
i got hurt at work.. slipped and sprained my wrist
..i should sue!!!!!
But im not going to ... i'm not going to die, and it'll eventually heal so im not going to make a big deal about it.
I need a hair cut. STAT!
-i always cut everrryones hair! And then of course when i need mine cut, i cant do it... i can do trims on myself fine, but i'm achin' for a sharppppp ass a-line cut..mehh.
I'm in the mood to watch 'Lost and delerious' -I know Cinder has it too.. and i wanna borror it form her! you hear me cinder-elly?
i must borrow it from you.
anyway....fuckn' rambln' little cunt i am.
-What color panties are you wearing?
...or tighty whities..or whatever you got on 'underneigthhh your clothes' there an endless story? could hope not.

I dyed half my hair black and half my hair blonde, its more of a drk orange color, which doesnt look too bad, but im re-bleaching it and dying half of it flamingo pink and keeping the other half black..... it loks cool, i had it like this a couple years ago and liked it a lot. ..i'll get pics of the final out come of it.
going out tonight with some pals

Himsa played tonight in salt lake.... and of course i missed it...i missed them last time they were here too...i hate my work hours! so damn inconvienant!! -They're comming again though in April with bleeding through and dashboard confessinal or some out of nowhere band, but Kendra and i are going for sure.
i got hurt at work.. slipped and sprained my wrist

I need a hair cut. STAT!

I'm in the mood to watch 'Lost and delerious' -I know Cinder has it too.. and i wanna borror it form her! you hear me cinder-elly?

anyway....fuckn' rambln' little cunt i am.
-What color panties are you wearing?


how's it going? Thought i'd take a break being an anti-social hoe! Britt says "hi", she lives with me now. When can we do something? I miss ya man. You're so damn hot. hehe
how u doin yummy lady? other than and important pant survey?