baby baby baby baby...i got so much lovin' balh blha .... yah, i've had ollld lyrics from TLC in my head alllllllll fuckn' night *shoots herself*
BORED bored BoReD......
Soooo....hopefully tomorrow night will be fun..... i'm taking my mrg out dancin' 80's Night fugga'
yah...and i miss her.....ya know 'her' THAT girl. yah.
...or so my friend gina and my code word for those kinda hers..... we call them our 'fish' ....oh the joy of cheese sucha twat. ....really.. i am.
I went to a museum yesterday before work....i've been wanting to go for yearrrs, seriously... to look around at the beauties.... finally get to go and they were closing.. but i did get to see one room entirely full of amazing art.... it was seriously beautiful. wowaz'
..I need to start doing things like that more often, instead of just wanting to do them.
i look like a fish in my profile pic
... cause, check it! lips look like fishes.... and yah... i look like a fishy. ...a fishy thats been hooked a couple times.
humph...... sooooo....... entertain me.
bwa haha
BORED bored BoReD......

Soooo....hopefully tomorrow night will be fun..... i'm taking my mrg out dancin' 80's Night fugga'

yah...and i miss her.....ya know 'her' THAT girl. yah. sucha twat. ....really.. i am.
I went to a museum yesterday before work....i've been wanting to go for yearrrs, seriously... to look around at the beauties.... finally get to go and they were closing.. but i did get to see one room entirely full of amazing art.... it was seriously beautiful. wowaz'

i look like a fish in my profile pic

humph...... sooooo....... entertain me.

oh hey by the way I totally dig your new profile pic its totally cute lookin .. like a cute little fish mauahahahahaha
omg yer fucking beautful!!!!!!