So tis whole 'War on Porn' Is news to me. Give me a break fuckn people. Seriously? Naked gore, is worse than nudity and balloons? This site, really has pretty much maintained the whole Art/SeXual Contenet thing pretty well. If these girls are choosing to reveal their T&A we might as well let them do it how they want to. -This isn't nore will it ever be hustler, and that's why i like it. And im sure im speaking for other people than myself. -So, pretty muhc why can't people leave this site alone? - I'm just pretty pist off because i was so excited to check out the artsy goreyness of katies gore gallory- and she is gone and so are her sets. and, that go's with out saying that hel's dead porn set is gone. -And im not a nechrophiliac or anything- but it's amazing fucking art, that took them time and imagination, and its gone. and the war on porn can fuck right off. -porn is porn. bloody or not. -Im really hoping she was literally pulling her ovaries out, in order for it to be considered 'Dis-tasteful' or whatever. or grave digging and skull fucking.. it better have been bloody.

Hope you get better soon. LA fucking rocks so far.