Still looks like separation. It's time to protect my son and myself from harm. blackeyed
Ooooh dear... Good luck with it all.
thanks for the nice set comment.
Headed out to Seattle for a few days. Hopefully I'll get some clarification on my professional life. It will help me focus on my personal life and get me out of my hole.
Thanks for checking out my Corridor set in MR!kiss
Thanks for the comment!!! biggrin kiss
I'd really like it if "someone" would decide to be nice to me more often...I'm tired of the cunty behavior that seems to happen with greater frequency.
I'm finding that I enjoy the fall here in NYC, especially before it gets too cold. I get to see women in boots and skirts. I've always liked that combo for some reason.
I'm not fashionable: Mandals and the NY Daily News

At least I didn't get labeled as a bone smuggler.
technically, I don't eat "any" sugar -- short of some berries and what you find in low-sugar index veggies. It just makes me a lot happier in general. But I just had to try those marshmallows. Bad, bad, but even I have to spurge every now and again... smile
Aw, yay! I'm glad you agree with me! Thank you so much, sweetie. ♥
I just read the article about my house in the New York Times. My son looks awesome.
Thanks for the love on my new set!! its my neighbors kitchen!!!
Finally, I've closed on the house, the movers are gone (although they still need someone to unpack the crated items), and I'm left with a sea of boxes. Not sure when I'll be done, but it's good to be in the new house.

The best part is that my son loves his new room, and I love my new kitchen. EL SUICIDO LOCO
Just got back from seeing Eddie Izzard at Radio City Music Hall. I laughed until I cried. The man is unstoppable--he went for over 2 hours without a break.

It was also the first date night in a long time. We're definitely out of practice. blackeyed
I only make the sock critters for Burrito, I'm afraid. He just LOVES them so much, so I like them to be special just for him. He even told my mom that he wants them to be buried with him when he dies... awwww.... smile
I need to learn more Spanish. I just sat next to a hottie from Columbia on the subway ride home, and I came up looking stupid. I even guided her uptown and then back down to Brooklyn since they were doing work on the R train....I only got her name (I think).

Just a little over two weeks and I'll be in my house. I missed most of last week's heatwave due to a convenient business trip to Seattle (I'll be repeating that next week).

I was hoping to go to a farmer's market today, but the markets that are close are only open on Sunday. Now to take monkey man to the playground.... ooo aaa