Another V Day down. Not so bad this time.
It's already August?!
After 5 months, another relationship done. It happened on my previous ex's birthday, so I'm sure she's getting a chuckle. At least this one was mostly mutual.
London bound tonight for a few days. It's been ages.
Barcelona-bound, and I'm there for a week. I don't really have many plans upon arrival, but that's what a vacation is all about.
You tried to get slick, you bust a little chuckle
you're gonna get smacked with my goldfinger knuckle
you're gonna get smacked with my goldfinger knuckle
I wish my life drama was actually interesting.
Crap. Even my hindsight is out of whack.

Finally, it feels like fall! Next, start raking leaves!
There is nothing like jumping in a huge pile of crunchy leaves!

Yeah, I have a huge yard, sometimes it sucks. But usually I love it.

She moved out while I was away on vacation. I haven't felt this much pain before including the divorce.
Well, there goes a 16-month relationship down the tubes....

Total disaster might have been averted completely, but only time will tell. I'm hoping to take the lull in the drama and try to enjoy the rest of the summer