AWESOME...i get to be in a zombie flick!!!
A friend of mine who is studying film in college is going to start filming a local home video zombie movie in a week and of course he asked me if i wanted to be in it.i've always dreamed of eating people and chasing them to no end...this is a dream come true.The story basically is about this punk band who becomes flesh eating zombies and starts to turn all thier fans and freinds into zombies...while still rocking out and playing shows everynight.the whole town goes nuts and it becomes one big zombie massacre! Funny thing is i get to play 2 parts myself and arnold swartzenegger.My friend has this arnold mask from last halloween and im going to sport that with a lame suit and get attacked....die governer die!!!! anyways should be fun.anyone in the area want to be a part of it let me know because i think he's looking for more extras.
Today=bad hair day,sun is finally out,no plans,work tonight and coming back home to this fun loving computer like always..damn i need a change or better yet a vacation.
A friend of mine who is studying film in college is going to start filming a local home video zombie movie in a week and of course he asked me if i wanted to be in it.i've always dreamed of eating people and chasing them to no end...this is a dream come true.The story basically is about this punk band who becomes flesh eating zombies and starts to turn all thier fans and freinds into zombies...while still rocking out and playing shows everynight.the whole town goes nuts and it becomes one big zombie massacre! Funny thing is i get to play 2 parts myself and arnold swartzenegger.My friend has this arnold mask from last halloween and im going to sport that with a lame suit and get attacked....die governer die!!!! anyways should be fun.anyone in the area want to be a part of it let me know because i think he's looking for more extras.

Today=bad hair day,sun is finally out,no plans,work tonight and coming back home to this fun loving computer like always..damn i need a change or better yet a vacation.

pfffffffft. whatevs