Well thank god x-mas is over...still will take a few days for the after affect of this lame holiday to die out but it's a nice beautiful rainy day outside which means i can just stare out the window and admire every drop.
my christmas day with the old family turned out not be quite what my mom had expected.turns out my sister came to visit and somehow during her stay her and my mom got in a big fight over some stupid bullshit and mostly ruined the rest of the whole day.my family you see is truly fucked up.since i don't know my dad or his side of the family all i have is my mothers side.my grandparents live in arizona and pretty much are from another planet i would suspect.high loving christians and always thinking things i do is not what god wants me to do..blah blah blah
i guess the only cool person in my family i have at least any contact with is my uncle who always is willing to help me out when im stuck.thats basically it...very very small.
i have to attend my friends wake tommrow which is gonna be really hard and i just heard it's an open casket....
i have never seen one of my friends dead right in front of me before...god this is gonna be difficult but i know he would have wanted me to be there in honor of our friendship.
not sure what im doing for new years yet..anyone willing to take me out?
studio report:
well i finished the drum tracks and now it's up to the other guys to do thier guitar,bass,and vocal tracks and then mix and master it and boom bam..all done for your listening pleasure.
i finally got a back my copy of Atreyu's "suicide notes and butterfly kisses"...don't ever let your friends borrow any of your CD's because they will take forever to return them.
damn i would love some irish car bombs right now....but all i have in my fridge is corona so that will have to do.
whats the point in caring when all it brings is pain?
my christmas day with the old family turned out not be quite what my mom had expected.turns out my sister came to visit and somehow during her stay her and my mom got in a big fight over some stupid bullshit and mostly ruined the rest of the whole day.my family you see is truly fucked up.since i don't know my dad or his side of the family all i have is my mothers side.my grandparents live in arizona and pretty much are from another planet i would suspect.high loving christians and always thinking things i do is not what god wants me to do..blah blah blah

i have to attend my friends wake tommrow which is gonna be really hard and i just heard it's an open casket....

not sure what im doing for new years yet..anyone willing to take me out?
studio report:

well i finished the drum tracks and now it's up to the other guys to do thier guitar,bass,and vocal tracks and then mix and master it and boom bam..all done for your listening pleasure.
i finally got a back my copy of Atreyu's "suicide notes and butterfly kisses"...don't ever let your friends borrow any of your CD's because they will take forever to return them.
damn i would love some irish car bombs right now....but all i have in my fridge is corona so that will have to do.
whats the point in caring when all it brings is pain?

[Edited on Dec 28, 2004 11:33AM]
Ah! you are in (kinda) my area!
hello friend.