is x-mas over yet? bahhh i totally wanna forget this nightmare and wake up from this nightmare dream of happy holidays and shoppers and all that scary stuff.
ok question.......why do girls like dating guys who are complete assholes? i mean is it me or is just something i notice alot? i had a discussion with my friend about this and he seemed to think it's ok to tell a girl she's stupid and lame and all that jazz and man guys are just self superior in there own mind..well not all guys but still.i never quite fully understand why girls deal with this shit and leave the nice guys down for the count.maybe it's just this generation and girls seem to be dumb as rocks and get off on this shit.not saying any of you ladies are lame for dating your BF who treats you so so bad,im just saying in general.
i don't think my christmas would be complete until i see a drunk santa god dammit.
story:im walking downtown a few weeks ago and this bum who is sitting on the side of the street (real fat,sloppy,looks like he was rosie o'donnel without hair) ask's me if i had any change.i had none and asked him if he was hungry because i knew of a soup kitchen a few blocks down the street that he could go to and eat.he replied "duhhhh no im not ugly i was just wondering if you had a quarter or dime" i look puzzled and couldn't believe he said that and i mean damn this guy was ugly but still i just said "no no i didn't say you were UGLY..i asked if you were HUNGRY?"..bum said "uuuhhh no but i need a nickel or dollar my car's broke".since i had no money to give i said no and just walked off.i since then called this local bum DELWADE since i seen him around town alot and i think im going to hunt for this guy because im going to try and see if he will hold up an SG sticker.. and for his services i would give him $5 for his car or whatever.yah i get that bored sometimes
hmm im hungry...
oh and i got a cell yaaaa!
ok question.......why do girls like dating guys who are complete assholes? i mean is it me or is just something i notice alot? i had a discussion with my friend about this and he seemed to think it's ok to tell a girl she's stupid and lame and all that jazz and man guys are just self superior in there own mind..well not all guys but still.i never quite fully understand why girls deal with this shit and leave the nice guys down for the count.maybe it's just this generation and girls seem to be dumb as rocks and get off on this shit.not saying any of you ladies are lame for dating your BF who treats you so so bad,im just saying in general.
i don't think my christmas would be complete until i see a drunk santa god dammit.
story:im walking downtown a few weeks ago and this bum who is sitting on the side of the street (real fat,sloppy,looks like he was rosie o'donnel without hair) ask's me if i had any change.i had none and asked him if he was hungry because i knew of a soup kitchen a few blocks down the street that he could go to and eat.he replied "duhhhh no im not ugly i was just wondering if you had a quarter or dime" i look puzzled and couldn't believe he said that and i mean damn this guy was ugly but still i just said "no no i didn't say you were UGLY..i asked if you were HUNGRY?"..bum said "uuuhhh no but i need a nickel or dollar my car's broke".since i had no money to give i said no and just walked off.i since then called this local bum DELWADE since i seen him around town alot and i think im going to hunt for this guy because im going to try and see if he will hold up an SG sticker.. and for his services i would give him $5 for his car or whatever.yah i get that bored sometimes

hmm im hungry...
oh and i got a cell yaaaa!
just dropping by to say hello

how are you doing?