Just like my life couldn't get any more intresting in the last few days here's another shocker for you all...i was waiting yesterday at the bus station to catch a bus back home when i noticed this old man lying on one of the benches on his back with his mouth wide and eyes wide open.It just looked really odd like he was in a trance or something and he was twitching a little here and there.Since my curiosity was kicking in and i thought this was somthing odd, i walked over to him and asked him if he was alright...no response.Then i shaked him a bit with that classic line "mister are you alright?"...still no response.It came to me that pretty obvious this guy was dead and he was.someone near me called 911 and in 3 to 5 mins the paramedics got there and rushed the body.I've never seen a dead person up close before and it pretty much freaked me out a bit.Not like im afraid of those things but once you've seen one it makes wonder
