Have you ever thought your parents were aliens when you were a kid?i thought my mom was a total alien back in elementary school when a group of kids convencied me and told me all these stories about how they were going to take over the planet and suck our brains out.Kids say the most craziest things ya know?
so so so i went to to play a show thursday night at this dive bar with a band called years to late.Basically just a few of our friends showed up and these 2 girls who were friends of the singer were dressed up in these naughty nurses outfits i thought they were going to dance on stage while we played like some rob zombie concert.Turns out they just wanted to get dressed up and see the show.didn't get free drink though
Last night i went with one of my friends to see one of my ex-singers new band called once over.When we got to the show i swear there were so many young kids there ,since it was all ages.I felt completly like an old man looking at these kids who when i was their age went to punk shows all the time,spiked my hair,wore my punk band t-shirts,and hit on all the pretty pretty punk chicks.Some of the kids there recongized me cus i used to be in a well known punk band called the drive home and the singer of the band i was going to see used to sing for us.So anyways during the show i was outside wearing my SG hoodie when at least 3 people stopped me to say "i love that site" or "yo man SG" i guess it pays to wear SG swag huh?you get recongized alot more Anyways the band was great and i had a good time.So not much planned this weekend.
I have to go to walmart today and buy a huge suitcase for my big move soon and it turns out i pretty much have to sell all my stuff cus it's gonna cost alot just to send them to canada.But its ok i got some offers on my TV and stereo from a few of my friends.
I really wanted to go to crickets farewell party in toronto tonight but hehe one problem..im kind in california..go me
Have a rocking weekend
moving countdown:54 days!
i miss you baby
also i added some drawings i did of some sg's
Archived SG autumn(who im still real good friends with)
and my sunshine kiscica
if you want a drawing of ya let me know, i need to sharpen my art skills anyway.