Great numb feeling washes over me as i let go of the past and look forward to the future...I pretend to be a vampire.I don't really need to pretend,because thats who i am,an emotional vampire.I've just come to except it that vampires are real,that i was born this way,that i feed off of other people's real emotions.I search for this nights prey.Who will it be?
Moving countdown:58 days!
Moving countdown:58 days!

ya, squidnasty wants to have the BBQ at his place in Oakland, and says he has some bands that can play in his back yard. I'm sure your more than welcome to coma and have your band play too! That would be really cool! It looks like it's gonna be April 24th, I think, it's a Saturday. Were still planning it, but it is in the works! How exciting! If you wanna play at the BBQ, then holla at him, he's really cool!

emotional vampire.. youve drained me.. now ive got to pick up my empty shell and carry the burden.. walk past the graves of the past and climb over the high wall to the future.. naked and empty..