kiscica invades gpk territory.
ever notice how his profile and my little posting pic in his faves look like they're leaning in together...foreheads together all adorable-like? yep. i notice these things.
so anyways *ahem* mister jason is sitting beside me on the couch in his cute little beanie. he'd like you to believe i'm currently all bound and gagged (see my current journal entry) but we all know who's really in control here. mwaaaaahaha.
we're having so much fun. or at least i am and he seems to be smiling a lot so surely it's not all bad.
jason is somehow even more wonderful than i remembered. i swear i can't stop kissing this boy. addictedlikewhoa. it's the best feeling to wake up and remember he's right there next to me. even though he snores like a banshee. (uh. banshees snore, rightright?
) haha. i think we're making everyone around us want to vomit...and ya know what? it's the best fucking feeling on earth.
my friends came over and corrupted him last night. deep conversations about anal sex and dildos were rappant. harhar. and jason even let me paint his fingernails to go out to the bar. yummyyumyum. he didn't even get mad that i was too drunk and spilled the nailpolish ALL over his thumb. bwaha.
we're off to an sgcanada gathering shortly. i'm putting him on ice for the first time in his life. he's gonna have a sore little bum. heh.
okok. i'm rambling here. i was supposed to come in here and type something weird and silly as i usually do...i couldn't help but get sappy though. my apologies.
alright. that's enough out of me for now. i'm gonna go continue being a big greedy jason hog now.
*a very blissful, kiscica. xoxo.
kiscica invades gpk territory.

ever notice how his profile and my little posting pic in his faves look like they're leaning in together...foreheads together all adorable-like? yep. i notice these things.
so anyways *ahem* mister jason is sitting beside me on the couch in his cute little beanie. he'd like you to believe i'm currently all bound and gagged (see my current journal entry) but we all know who's really in control here. mwaaaaahaha.
we're having so much fun. or at least i am and he seems to be smiling a lot so surely it's not all bad.

my friends came over and corrupted him last night. deep conversations about anal sex and dildos were rappant. harhar. and jason even let me paint his fingernails to go out to the bar. yummyyumyum. he didn't even get mad that i was too drunk and spilled the nailpolish ALL over his thumb. bwaha.
we're off to an sgcanada gathering shortly. i'm putting him on ice for the first time in his life. he's gonna have a sore little bum. heh.
okok. i'm rambling here. i was supposed to come in here and type something weird and silly as i usually do...i couldn't help but get sappy though. my apologies.
alright. that's enough out of me for now. i'm gonna go continue being a big greedy jason hog now.

*a very blissful, kiscica. xoxo.
this is a good thing.