I apologize for the lack of entries to my blog and also responses to many of your blogs lately. I have been busy and honestly many of my days have been running together. Activities such as updating blogs and checking email seemed to be a thing of the past for the past few weeks. Right now I don't have the time to update fully on...
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hah...sounds like what i've been up to...everything but updating and e-mailing, and such. hope all is well.
Hey all! I've been a little busy as you can all imagine after two posts ago. Lots of work. I'm actually at work right now...funny right? The weekend was filled with debauchery and craziness as usual. Nothing really new there with the exception of Katie Bied walking in on my sleeping naked on my back with no covers on. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I don't remember that happening,...
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so yea...it's been awhile.
and to respond to your comment about the clipless...it's seems to be unnecessarily expensive. If you're looking for inexpensive bike stuffs, you should check our permorfancebike.com. They have a really good selection of stuff and some of it is on the cheap. I've bought several "performance" branded items for cheap and they seem to be working out great.
other than that...sounds like you've been busy. man...the memories of puking while drunk. not fun.
and to respond to your comment about the clipless...it's seems to be unnecessarily expensive. If you're looking for inexpensive bike stuffs, you should check our permorfancebike.com. They have a really good selection of stuff and some of it is on the cheap. I've bought several "performance" branded items for cheap and they seem to be working out great.
other than that...sounds like you've been busy. man...the memories of puking while drunk. not fun.
So, you want to know what I did tonight?
Well, I got completely retarded smoking some herb and then drinking a few beers followed by some Southern Comfort followed by me moving my car to the parking garage a block away from where I live followed by an excessive amount of herb smoking followed by me locking my keys in my car with the radio...
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Well, I got completely retarded smoking some herb and then drinking a few beers followed by some Southern Comfort followed by me moving my car to the parking garage a block away from where I live followed by an excessive amount of herb smoking followed by me locking my keys in my car with the radio...
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Oh yeah! Tests are all done and now I'm relaxing. I also cleaned like crazy today including my room, the kitchen, and the bathroom. This overall included sweeping, doing the dishes, cleaning the floors, spraying things down and wiping them off, etc...
Now, I'm just waiting to go to the movies tonight. We are seeing Sin City as our "floor program." That is fuckin awesome!...
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Now, I'm just waiting to go to the movies tonight. We are seeing Sin City as our "floor program." That is fuckin awesome!...
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I'm going to bed now at 8 AM (yeah I did a real good job getting my sleep schedule fixed). I have now been up for 40 hours. In a few weeks it was suggested to me that I should try for "clinically insane," that is staying up for 72 straight hours. I think it sounds easy. Anyways, I'm only going to bed because I...
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FYI - Don't drive if you've been awake for more than 24 hours. I think it's called Maggie's Law where if you drive and you've been awake for more than 24 hours and you hurt/kill someone, you can be held accountable for homicide. I know you would be anyway but it's a specific law that says no driving if you've been up for more than 24 hours 

Alright, it's 8:30 in the AM and I haven't slept yet since I awoke yesterday at Noon. The plan right now is that I will be remaining awake until at the minimum 9 PM tonight. If I can do this (which will be a piece of cake) then I get one night of debauchery of my choosing from Val. If I fall asleep at any...
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You hate the OC!? I can understand why, but even so..
Thanks for the compliment on my user picture.
Cuddling is great anytime, anywhere, regardless of whether the TV is on or not. I admit it: I'm a cuddling addict, it's true.
The ocean means everything to me.
Thanks for the compliment on my user picture.
Cuddling is great anytime, anywhere, regardless of whether the TV is on or not. I admit it: I'm a cuddling addict, it's true.
The ocean means everything to me.

And I've actually only heard one song by the Thievery Corporation.. that one on the Garden state soundtrack..
I'm beat.
Once again, I can't sleep.
I'm getting in bed and to help me sleep I'm going to insufflate 10 mg of Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride), a muscle relaxant. It should kick in after Aqua Teen Hunger Force is over.
Goodnight all.
Once again, I can't sleep.
I'm getting in bed and to help me sleep I'm going to insufflate 10 mg of Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride), a muscle relaxant. It should kick in after Aqua Teen Hunger Force is over.
Goodnight all.
I'd rather cuddle with people in my bed than speak to them, sometimes. Or maybe speak to them while cuddling. Hugging is nice, but it ain't got nothin' on cuddlin'.
Yes, this summer in Victoria will be outstanding. I'll be here until at least this time next year, and provided I'm finished my undergraduate degree, I'll be taking off to somewhere more exciting and less school-oriented.
I was actually quite impressed by Julia Roberts' performance in Closer. I've never had much respect for her as an actress, because most of the stuff she does is silly tripe, but her acting surprised me. Gosh. That movie was so incredibly good. The dialogue was so intense.
Yeah, you really do end up hating and loving each character. It's hard not to.
I enjoy long comments. They're like reading short stories, except more scattered and fairly random-.
Water is the bee's knees. I grew up (and still live) near the ocean, and I think I would find it very, very disorienting if I was to move away from it. Which I probably will next spring or summer. It'll be an adventure in "getting-Alison-out-of-her-comfort-zone". Rock!
And, well, thank you. I was just kidding about being irresistable. I've been resisted once or twice before. *blush*
Yes, this summer in Victoria will be outstanding. I'll be here until at least this time next year, and provided I'm finished my undergraduate degree, I'll be taking off to somewhere more exciting and less school-oriented.
I was actually quite impressed by Julia Roberts' performance in Closer. I've never had much respect for her as an actress, because most of the stuff she does is silly tripe, but her acting surprised me. Gosh. That movie was so incredibly good. The dialogue was so intense.
Yeah, you really do end up hating and loving each character. It's hard not to.
I enjoy long comments. They're like reading short stories, except more scattered and fairly random-.
Water is the bee's knees. I grew up (and still live) near the ocean, and I think I would find it very, very disorienting if I was to move away from it. Which I probably will next spring or summer. It'll be an adventure in "getting-Alison-out-of-her-comfort-zone". Rock!
And, well, thank you. I was just kidding about being irresistable. I've been resisted once or twice before. *blush*
Well I hope you had a good nights sleep. I myself love taking a muscle relaxer before going to bed, mostly because I don't have tension in my neck the next morning but you also gets a good full night of sleep. Unfortunately flexeril does nothing for me, which is funny cause it really has an effect on my best friend. Instead I take robaxin (sp?) or something like that. Why is that anyways?

So, I took an hour and a half long shower today. It actually consisted of my fat ass sitting in the tub with the shower running over my head. I then proceeded to allow the tub to fill up 5 seperate times, emptying it of course in between each time. Following this I stood up and actually "showered" and got out.
It was quite relaxing...
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It was quite relaxing...
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I'm adding my own comment to this jounral entry instead of posting another entry, simply because it pertains to this entry.
My favorite parts in Run Ronnie Run:
- the infomercial for the "Fooderator"
- the fight seen where the governor's son kicks ass
- Ronnie getting rescued from atop a car stranded in the flooded road
My favorite parts in Run Ronnie Run:
- the infomercial for the "Fooderator"
- the fight seen where the governor's son kicks ass
- Ronnie getting rescued from atop a car stranded in the flooded road
You can edit your entries, y'know- hit "update" and click the entry you just wrote.
What did you think of Closer? It was one of the best movies I've seen recently. Made me feel as though I was getting punched in the heart, which is good for me every once in a while. I left the theatre in tears and feeling as though I was going to vomit. That means it was fantastic in a heartwrenching sort of way.
Staying in the shower for an hour and a half? That's my idea of heaven. I love bathing, even though being clean is neither here nor there. I just adore water so much.
Ah, yes. It would be a one-way ticket because I'm irresistable; admit it.
What did you think of Closer? It was one of the best movies I've seen recently. Made me feel as though I was getting punched in the heart, which is good for me every once in a while. I left the theatre in tears and feeling as though I was going to vomit. That means it was fantastic in a heartwrenching sort of way.
Staying in the shower for an hour and a half? That's my idea of heaven. I love bathing, even though being clean is neither here nor there. I just adore water so much.
Ah, yes. It would be a one-way ticket because I'm irresistable; admit it.

First off, Happy Birthday to veedubmafia (Sunday).
Second, I'm going to crack down this week and do a bunch of work because we have a test coming up on the 13th and 14th. It is a two-part exam on Histology, both multiple choice questions and practical exam questions.
I guess I should go to bed, or at least die trying!
P.S. Damn this fucking...
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Second, I'm going to crack down this week and do a bunch of work because we have a test coming up on the 13th and 14th. It is a two-part exam on Histology, both multiple choice questions and practical exam questions.
I guess I should go to bed, or at least die trying!
P.S. Damn this fucking...
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If you die trying to sleep, that's kind of like succeeding.. right?
Go see it. Yes. If I wasn't in love with Clive Owen after seeing Closer, I am now.
So fly across the country- er, continent- and we'll David Cross it up, yo.
So fly across the country- er, continent- and we'll David Cross it up, yo.

I don't remember what happened this week.
Listen to PAVEMENT.
I love leftover homemade macaroni and cheese.
I have a feeling this weekend is going to be crazy.
I need to fill my water jug.
You would be amazed at how tasty cruchy peanut butter on a pita with goldfish and Robins Eggs (whoppers) on top is...
Listen to PAVEMENT.
I love leftover homemade macaroni and cheese.
I have a feeling this weekend is going to be crazy.
I need to fill my water jug.
You would be amazed at how tasty cruchy peanut butter on a pita with goldfish and Robins Eggs (whoppers) on top is...