That last post: forget it! I'm going to copy and paste my xanga post from today here:
"Just so all of you know. I've been going a little crazy and have been having some realizations about medical school and myself and everything else in between. I still don't know if they are good realizations or bad realizations but the point is that they are realizations! Anyways, my blog will continue to be up and running and I will update when possible. But, the next update will not be for at least a week, if not more. I have some stuff to straighten out and take care of here and need some time (especially because we have tests this Friday) to do that. Hope all is well with all of you!"
Hope that clarifies a few things (or makes them more vague, which is what it looks like it is doing). Looking forward to getting back on the ball.
On a lighter note -- my hair has grown in quite a bit, but I think either this weekend or the middle of next week I am going to shave some of it off again. Mohawk maybe? Some crazy design maybe? I don't know! Why don't you suggest something!
"Just so all of you know. I've been going a little crazy and have been having some realizations about medical school and myself and everything else in between. I still don't know if they are good realizations or bad realizations but the point is that they are realizations! Anyways, my blog will continue to be up and running and I will update when possible. But, the next update will not be for at least a week, if not more. I have some stuff to straighten out and take care of here and need some time (especially because we have tests this Friday) to do that. Hope all is well with all of you!"
Hope that clarifies a few things (or makes them more vague, which is what it looks like it is doing). Looking forward to getting back on the ball.
On a lighter note -- my hair has grown in quite a bit, but I think either this weekend or the middle of next week I am going to shave some of it off again. Mohawk maybe? Some crazy design maybe? I don't know! Why don't you suggest something!