I want to apologize for the lack of posts on my part. I've been kinda depressed and I've been going a little crazy lately! I have a test this coming Friday, so I will do my best to make maybe one post during the week and then after the test be more on the ball with things!
More Blogs
Tuesday Apr 04, 2006
Another day has passed and no calls about jobs. How many application… -
Saturday Apr 01, 2006
All I can say is that as life moves forward I become more and more bi… -
Friday Mar 03, 2006
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I feel crappy. I'm slowly losi… -
Tuesday Feb 21, 2006
It was my birthday yesterday. I feel so old (only 24 and I know I … -
Saturday Dec 24, 2005
Back again. Took a short hiatus for the holidays because I was going… -
Thursday Nov 17, 2005
So yeah. Life sucks but I'm living it anyways. Lots of stuff to do … -
Tuesday Sep 20, 2005
I'm back motherfuckers! Just so you know, I'm still living in Syra… -
Monday Jun 20, 2005
Just wanted to state that I'm moved in with the exception of some fur… -
Wednesday Jun 15, 2005
Well, if it could get any worse I think it would require me to become… -
Monday Jun 13, 2005
Well, I'm back and I'm not sure for how long. It depends on where I …