Just one more hour till Walking Dead!!!
There are some incredibly sexy women here!! I keep trying to get work done but can't seem to stop coming back here to check out just one more!!!!
Watching some spongebob... I like to watch him at the end of a hard day to try and clear my head!! It works wonders!!! You should all give it a try

WALKING DEAD TONIGHT!!!!!!! Let's go Andrea! You gotta get out of this shit hole you got yourself into..
I love that show. However, I cannot STAND Andrea. Looking forward to tonight's episode! Enjoy. 

I was back and forth on liking her but I think she's a bad ass who is just a little confused..
Olympus Has Fallen was good, made for a good night out of the hotel!
So I didn't die from the workout.. but it was close! Want to go see a movie today but mixed between Olympus Has Fallen and The Call.
Oh.. and is it not Sunday night yet!!! Hurry up already! I'm dying to know what happens with Andrea! Those of you who feel the same way will know what I mean
I think Andrea will get away. I'm sure they won't kill her off, because I don't like her.
I love her!! She's baddass but just a little misguided.. And she'd better not die tonight.
Heading to the gym... I hope I don't hurt myself! I feel like I'm getting too old for this workout stuff.. Wish me Luck
Finally FRIDAY!!!! I'm ready to sit around my hotel room all weekend and relax!
I haven't been on here much lately.. I'm busy doing this class and it's just one report after another every day. All about serial killers and mass murderers.. Makes for an interesting night of reading. I need more beer
theres been a lot of docs on about serial killers lately, its quite interesting to watch.
i need beer too. stuck with tea. friday soon tho!
i need beer too. stuck with tea. friday soon tho!
I've been ready for Friday since Monday!!! One more project tonight and then a break till next week. Enjoy the tea!