I'm happy to say that my account is back in action!! It was disabled for maybe two weeks, they took a while to respond.
I missed being on there and watching all the babes!!
I need to be a bit more careful while I stream from now on. I think the banned me because I had two streams called 'naked chats' while I was waiting for my frank body scrub to work during my shower and then after my shower because my phone died. You couldn't see any nudity though, my arm covered my breasts and you couldn't see my vag,
Hence it was implied. But that was still enough to get them blocked, I can't tell if it is because people reported it, because of my stream name or because periscope are watching. It's still so very annoying, if I can post photos of me naked on Twitter and Instagram with a small bar covering the good bits then I don't see how periscope have to be so stringent about it.
Nudity is a part of life, it is no big deal. If anything all of the 'turn around comments' 'or arm down' 'or open boobs' comments were outrightly refused by me, explaining that I would get banned ... yet I still got banned.
It's funny how many guys watching my videos and the videos of other girls don't get it ... Yes there is often nudity implied but come on... Don't they get tired of hassling and annoying girls to flash their bits so they can get off. That is what this amazing community is for, those cheap rude men should just get an SG account then they can see everything. It's not even that expensive.
Just because these beautiful ladies are comfortable in their bodies, doing nudes and flirting, that doesn't mean anyone has a right to bark and demand orders at us or say very gross unnecessary stuff or treat us like a piece of meat.
We are humans too and there is no need to be rude. Let's all respect each other please. There is a time and place for talking and acting dirty 😘 just make sure those advances are mutual and when a girl says no I won't 'open boobs' or 'spread legs' then accept that as an answer. You have a right to ask, we have a right to refuse but don't keep asking, and begging, and pushing .... No means no especially when the costs are too high - being that we get banned from periscope indefinitely...
I know the stunning @marialauriejupiter also had her periscope banned, has any other SG or SGhopeful experienced the same thing? If so feel free to vent and share those annoying experiences :) :) much love ladies and members. Xxx