This Wednesday I would like to take the time to pass on my love and appreciation for this beautiful babe.
Many of you would know her no doubt, she has taken to being a SuicideGirlHopeful like a pro and has rocked this site and social media.
Since the beginning this girl has been nothing but a huge support. Not just for me but for all the other girls. Constantly leaving positive comments and love to all the girls she comes across, she also features a lot of girls - Without hesitation- to the Instagram page curvy inked beauties.
Her enthusiasm, and love is such an inspiration and all the girls here will benefit knowing her.
I can't wait to shoot my first multi set with her - frankly I'm honoured she asked me!! I still can't believe it. The Melbourne shootfest is so close and yet so far away!! I'm so pumped for shootfest and the SG ball as I will actually get to meet all the amazing guys and girls on this site. Oh Australia you are full of babes.
So much peace and love to you all xxx