Spending my time dressing up, practicing makeup and making XXX content for my only fans and ismygirl pages! Only fans page is free while ismygirl has a small monthly subscription. I show a lot more on my ismygirl, posting almost daily (my current mission), not censoring anything, videos and photos for free. My premium videos are also cheaper through ismygirl via locked messages. Also messaging me on there is free, including asking for content requests :) and taking custom content, made just for you or also shared around too πŸ”₯ So on my onlyfan you have to pay to see all uncensored photos and videos, pay to message me and send custom content requests and the videos are more expensive. πŸ’“ I can show more than on my Instagram :) and so I do, more implied etc. DM me if you want more info or links xxx thanks babes! I hope you are staying sane

Beautiful πŸ’˜