sleep is taking me hostage...but i'm going to stammer through a quick mental log before i let gravity ravish me for 7 hours...i'm inhaling, but it hasn't been tobacco for 12 days so that's good, right?
i rented amelie today...yeah! i finally get to see this one...and i get it for 5 whole rotations of the sun too...alway's necessary for me, since i usually go out every night..and who the hell wants(remembers) to have to ride back to the video store the next day? alright, apparently my brain has already gone to bed this late saturday eve...that's a creepy thought...that my body is just typing merrily away on auto-pilot...while my mind is what...hell, it's probably dreaming of sg land!!! that's it, i'm throwin' the towel...dulce suenos....

oh...and tipping the velvet is one of my favorite books too..good taste m'lady.