tired today...working too much...and not seeming to find the exit...why was i somehow created with this weird need to do a good job, and not let others down? i have all these deadlines...it's insane...it makes college look like a big piece o' cake...(ok, it is...until midterm/finals come a knockin')...but heh...it's what you gotta do to get published right? sale your freedom loving soul and all that...i'm not ready to be grown-up...but i suppose no one ever is...my back is way too fucked up from sitting at a fucking computer for 10-15 hours a day...and now look at me! sitting at my laptop on my off hours
life is soo bizarre...i try to stay away from this thing...but as quirky as it sounds...i miss you folks when i stay away... anyway, i hope you are all joyously giddy...i'm going to take myself outside and give myself an attitude adjustment... *love*
p.s. - don't think that i've given up on my road/sky/ocean adventure...oh no!... i will be going on that adventurous mind expanding trip..just have to finish this set of maps for the booklet and then...you'll be hearing from me in internet cafe's in far off lands... course...that's if my car doesn't squeeze every last cent out of me..and the bass i need/want...and the digital camera...

p.s. - don't think that i've given up on my road/sky/ocean adventure...oh no!... i will be going on that adventurous mind expanding trip..just have to finish this set of maps for the booklet and then...you'll be hearing from me in internet cafe's in far off lands... course...that's if my car doesn't squeeze every last cent out of me..and the bass i need/want...and the digital camera...
jasiri that attitude of "needing to do a good job" will doing nothing but help you in life. i used to feel that way, and i hope i can dig it back to the surface.
as for adventure i wish you great travels
nothing in the world is quite like the smell of a new town, and the memories of being there
btw/look into dan the automator - wanna buy a monkey?
good head-bopping music! haha