just got back from an amazing afternoon at the coast...oh my Dog! it was soo fucking beautiful...everytime i go i'm flabergasted by sheer splendor of the natural world...i think that i would go insane without seeing the ocean for a long period of time...i need it like a fine liquor on a special occasion...(hmmm, i don't know where this metaphor came from, but i'll just try and play it off)...
so i'm happy with thoughts of waves, and sea breezes and all wisking through my mind, except that when we got back into town my car lights wouldn't turn off...which is really fucking crappy since they're automatic...which means it's some kind of electrical problem....$$$$$$$ DAMN!!!! and i need all the money i can get to buy my new SLR digital camera...oh well...who needs a car anyway...the thing will just have to wait in line...i have my art to think about, after all! and, you can't take photos while you're driving..err, well...not safely anyway...
so i'm happy with thoughts of waves, and sea breezes and all wisking through my mind, except that when we got back into town my car lights wouldn't turn off...which is really fucking crappy since they're automatic...which means it's some kind of electrical problem....$$$$$$$ DAMN!!!! and i need all the money i can get to buy my new SLR digital camera...oh well...who needs a car anyway...the thing will just have to wait in line...i have my art to think about, after all! and, you can't take photos while you're driving..err, well...not safely anyway...

the wind was at my back... thank you for the warm wishes, they helped.... i have been blown away......*wink .....