Saturday Aug 13, 2005 Aug 12, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Is Citizen Kane based on true story? Maybe, I guess it is beyond real science for anyone to really tell. stolenhistories: Yes, yes it is. His name was william randolph hearst. He was a newspaper magnate, kind of created "yellow journalism". HA HA HA. Raining on peoples' parades because it's raining. [Edited on Aug 13, 2005 10:50AM] Aug 13, 2005 anonym: I've never seen Citizen Kane. It's been so longo with so many people still talking about it. I'm scared if I watch it it won't live up to the hype. Aug 13, 2005
HA HA HA. Raining on peoples' parades because it's raining.
[Edited on Aug 13, 2005 10:50AM]